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I Forge Iron

Build a firepit / forge in one


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Forge means fire place. Sure you can make a fire pit forge, I used to do a lot of camp fire forging when working in the field. all you need is something to hold the fire and a little air is good.


Frosty The Lucky.

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You don't want to mix coal and cooking over an open fire; but working with wood/coals you can do both.  I generally separate the two as having the fire further away is a lot less smoky and I just transfer hot coals to the forging area; but as mentioned you can work with a campfire and just have a section on the side with the air blast that you rake hot coals over to.


The keyhole mentioned is a good idea and if building a chimney put the "fire" by it and the "forge" away from it as a charcoal forge does not make smoke but a fire does!

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