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I Forge Iron

Elvish Hunter


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Been working on this for a little while now, forged the blade on a whim about two months ago, and it came out looking rather elvish, out of a chunk of 5160. I finally decided on how i wanted my bolster and handle, so I got off my butt and got it done.  Bolster is 1/8"x1" flat bar, same stuff i use for my little knives that have all seem to have disappeared... Either way.  A dab of superglue held it to the oak handle while i fitted it, a little time with a jewler's saw, my trusty bench grinder and a file and now it fits flush to the handle.  I'll pin the handle on after i heat treat and temper the blade and stain or seal the handle.  Overall length is about 10".







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Thomas, it is unfinished. Ill be draw filing it flat and polishing it maybe tomorrow. I wonder if my mom would notice if her toaster oven would disappear and magically reappear in my shop... But I value my hands being attached to my body so I believe I'll just have to buy a cheap one.

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Going to use the forge to get it to hardening temperature?   Using vegetable oil for quenching helps with the subsequent use of kitchen appliences for tempering...


My mother would never have removed my hands---that would get in the way of the chores!  However she might have removed the need for me to have a chair at the table for a while...

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My grandmother worked the graveyard shift as a nurse in the psychological ward of a hospital.  She was under 5' tall, less than 100 lbs and in her 60's.  It was not uncommon for two deputies to wrestle in some brute hopped up on drugs, hand him over to grandma and take the cuffs off.  She'd drag them down the hall, and never had a problem with one.  i really miss that lady :)


I guess it's about body language, but I wouldn't know.  I spent my youth trying to keep from being shut in a locker.

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  • 2 weeks later...

at my wedding many years ago...  my mother-in-law got upset with me and bro in law getting a bit  "wild" she grabbed a chair (she is under 5 foot tall) stood on it and grabbed me and bro in law ( both of us over 6 foot tall) by our ears and pulled us to her and quietly pointed out,.... this is my daughters wedding and neither of you will ruin it, have I made myself clear...., and then she walked away with out waiting for an answer,  we understood her too well.

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