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I Forge Iron

April 19th. meeting

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This is the world wide notification the Association of Alaskan Blacksmiths next meeting, Saturday April 19th. at Jim Hutto's in Anchorage.


I'll be bringing bringing the can of Patterson #1 welding flux for anyone to try. I don't know what else we have planned but I'll see you there. What else could you want? <grin>


Frosty The Lucky.

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I would like to be there, but my daughter Esther is taking a dog training class, she is a priority. At least I will be involved in a fun thing rather than just working or such.


The kids come first Mark, no question. Where is she taking dog training lessons? Deb's the office manager for Betco, not that I'm pitching them but it'd be cool.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Hey Sean! Good to see you back on IFI. I don't remember if we discussed the next meeting's subject. I do know Jim is a pretty accomplished smith and I'm hoping he has a plan. If not, I figure we'll just make a mess in his shop and beat some hot steel.


Frosty The Lucky.

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  • 1 month later...

Okay guys, start thinking MEETING! It's just a week till our next meeting at Jim's in Anchorage the 19th. Does anybody have any thoughts? Maybe club business that needs addressing? A demo subject? Demo volunteer? Something, anything?


At the very least we need to start talking about demonstrators, we're WAY behind the curve for a summer 2014 demonstrator and it's nobody's fault but ours. So how about let's talk about it here and NOT leave it to meetings, there's too much time between meetings to leave everything for an one hour talk every 3 months.


Frosty The Lucky.

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I forget what Jim said but Darryl is booked well in advance If we move now we MAY be able to book him for next summer. We may be SOL for this summer, we really need to get on the ball if we want these things.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Hello I am new to this forum as well as to blacksmithing and have made time in my schedule to meet with you guys, but I am unsure of where to go and whether or not to bring any of my work with me.  If you could hit me up on the forum or tell me another way to get in contact I will.


Thank you for your kind attention



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Welcome aboard Zak glad to have another Alaskan on the world stage. If you put your general location in the header everybody will have a idea where you are. Better yet I won't be so confused if we're talking about Alaska specifics and I don't remember we're near neighbors. PM me with your E-mail address and I'll send directions. This Saturday's meeting is in Anchorage just off Huffman at Nanook Forge.


I hope you understand I'm  pretty hesitant to put out contact info on a public forum, especially somebody else's info. I think Mark has directions to Jim's or he can give you my E-mail address. He has a dog training class this Saturday so he won't be there.


Frosty The Lucky. AKA Jerry Frost

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Hello Zak:
The meeting will be in Anc. this time. Bring what ever you would like to show others what people are doing is usually interesting. Maybe someone will have another method of making what you have that you would like to use, or you could ignore their idea if you don't like it.
I will send a PM. Mark

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I personally want to apologize for not being there.  I currently work in retail and weekends are kind of my busy time.  Sundays are always free but I try to spend that time with my son, but I am sure he would love to see some cool stuff done with steel and fire.  Is there something that everyone would like to learn or to do?  I have been learning a lot about keeping good notes, sketches, and measurments for future projects.  I also am very currious in forge welding, and the relationship of temperature to color and material.  What are things others would like to learn?  I think that planning WHAT we will learn or talk about will help to bring about better times and cohesion to the group as a whole.  But that's from someone who hasn't been to any of the meetings though.

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Mark: The next meeting will be Saturday, July 12th at Pat's.


Art on Fire is Saturday, June 21st. at the Museum of Transportation and Industry.


We missed you but had a good meet none the less. We discussed talking to potential clinicians up to a year in advance. Happily JIm knows Darryl personally and will talk to him about next summer. We also talked about taking the club more seriously, being a little more organized. We also talked about another club project to be assembled next meeting. A nature themed gate 4'x5'high. I sent an E-mail to the group list Jim set up to hopefully stir some ideas.



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Zak: Too bad you couldn't make it, life is that thing that gets in the way of doing what we plan. We're a pretty informal group but it would be nice if we were better organized. Had you posted your last message before the meeting we would've voted you into an appropriate office. I ended up president because I had to go to the bathroom.


If you're interested in forge welding you would've like this meeting. I brought a general purpose flux, "Peterson #1 Blue" I ran across at Aire Liqued (sp?) that appeared to be a much more affordable alternative to the recognized "dedicated" forge welding fluxes. I demoed it and several of the guys tried it out successfully. Most of us are not whiz forge welders like Mark, most of us aren't professional smiths. I was hoping for Mark's evaluation of the flux but seeing as everybody who tried it was successful I have to call it a good product.


I look forward to meeting you at Art on Fire, the next meeting or we might just get together sometime.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Another thing I am looking to get a little more practice on is cross peening.  The angle coming towards me is fine but then its hard for me I guess to make a consistent shape on the other side of the material I am working.  I would really like to see a few projects made from a readily available material we have here in abundence here in the valley, Railroad Spikes.  Like a kitchen knife, or a candle holder, or maybe even a door knocker.  That would be fun.

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Another thing I am looking to get a little more practice on is cross peening.  The angle coming towards me is fine but then its hard for me I guess to make a consistent shape on the other side of the material I am working.  I would really like to see a few projects made from a readily available material we have here in abundence here in the valley, Railroad Spikes.  Like a kitchen knife, or a candle holder, or maybe even a door knocker.  That would be fun.


Mark is usually pretty busy being a professional and all that but I'm retired and am usually up for playing with fire and hitting things.


I'm not sure what you expect "cross peining" to be. The pein is general is a fuller for drawing in a specific direction. The industrial use I'm most familiar with is forming lips. Think folding a sheet metal cover over the edge of a manhole like on a tank, not the highway. That probably isn't very clear but they form the sheet into tight corners or over lips/ridges, etc.


For forging I prefer a straight pein but that is as much personal preference as specific forging processes. I'll use the straight pein to make a longitudinal draw of any length or if the stock is heavy. I'll sometimes use a cross pien to spread a leaf or similar.


I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than I will correct me when I say I don't know of any particular blacksmithing process that is or calls for "cross piening."


Frosty The Lucky.

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I always thought that a cross pien was a pretty popular smithing hammer. I don't use one that much but when it is the right hammer it is the right hammer. on the drawing the far side in spreading that is the side that most of us have more trouble with so you fit right in to the normal. Practice, and tuning the stock so that you can hit on the near side should help. your holding hand might be on the wrong side of you for this manuver. I personally did not know that there was an abundance of legally available railroad spikes in the area.

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