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I Forge Iron

a few of my first pieces


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So i doing some thinking the other day and i realized that ive never posted any of my work. So here are a few of my first pieces.

First one is a squid key rack. It started its life out as a simple piece of 4x1/2'' flat stock. And boy did i have a lot if drawing out to do (at the time us begginners couldnt use the p0wer hammer) and the tenticle part is a small piece of flat stock (cant remember what though).

The second one was not really a project bu t just an experimentation with pipe.

I'll post a few more pices later today

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I like the squid, a person could come up with some fun and entertaining stories about how it catches food or attracts girl squids. Fun piece for sure.


I really like your pipe experiment, I don't know what the heck it represents but it's cool.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Thanks guys.
Im not sure where inwas going w the pipe plant. The prof. just wanted us to come up with some samples of what we could create w pipe. It was totally new to me so i just started cutting it and a carnivorus plant popped n my head alttiosuough it lost most of its predatious feeling an acceptical (which was great for me cause im my harshest critic)plant did emerge.

Here are a few pics of my first "fine" metals piece
I called it "the buckler"cause its a shield belt buckle.

Notice the horrible rivits and down right sloppy backside. Thats what happens when you rush to finish a project.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ya it turned out well and it was my first small metal project. Ill get a better pic of the copper piece in the middle. I textured it to look like wood and alot of class mates thought it was wood. If any of you guys make one post it here i would love to see other peoples takes on the idea

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