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I Forge Iron

A bit off topic but what have you found in your bag of fuel that was not meant to be there?


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Yesterday I got to the bottom of my bag of anthracite and apart from the fact I found out all that dust down there makes MASSIVE clinkers pop up really quickly, I found this critter amongst the peas at the bottom.





What odd things have you guys found in your bags??

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Not anything as creepy as that!

I found a momma mouse with some tiny little mouselings. Found some interesting bits of rock, and have also found a $2 coin (which may well have fallen out of my own pocket into the bag at some point).

If I ever found a spider like that one in a bag of coal, I'd switch over to propane and never look back.

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Several times - Hot wheels from my kids. They also turn up on the stairs, on my bed, in my guitar, in the toilet, (and the pipes for that matter), washing machine.....sigh.......


 Occaisionally egg shells. (wife has bad habit of setting incubator trays on top of my barrel before pitching the old eggs)

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lol, I'll have to keep an eye out when I get to the bottom of my bin, but I doubt I'll find anything fun because I hand shoveled it into the bin to begin with.


on a side not, I found out that one of the dad's of one of the kids that my wife watches isn't a fan of spiders. So I bought a drop down spider Halloween prop yesterday. Not going to set it to drop for a week or so. Just wish I could be there to see the reaction. lol.

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Can you write me into your will *NOW*!  


Tarantulas are big and furry but pretty much harmless  I'm happy to have them around.  Black widows are generally easy to spot and don't do much damage---and their webs make cool sounds when you break them---very strong spider silk!.  Brown Recluses hide from you and do massive damage when they bite you. They are the reason I beat my gloves before putting them on and check my hearing protectors.


Folks keep warning me about rattlesnakes liking scrap piles but I haven't seen one there or in my shop the last 9 years.  I did have a huge kingsnake that I was careful around as I didn't want such a public spirited snake hurt!

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