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I Forge Iron

First try at a knapper steel knife


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Looks pretty good, it gives a solid impression of a knapped blade. the term would be "knapped" not knapper. a knapper is the person doing the knapping.


For reference the flake scars should travel the full width of the blade. They often look like they end at the center but that's because they've been knapped from both sides. the target when taking a flake is the high ridge between concoidal fracture scars. The scars widen as they travel across the blade and if they daylight out before they reach the other side can cause cross fractures that require dressing before further flakes can be taken.


I'm certainly NOT faulting your workmanship, not by a long shot. I'm merely suggesting being more familiar with the items you wish to emulate in steel. there are a lot of knapping sites online, some by really fabulous knappers. some just flaky. <grin>


Frosty The Lucky.

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 the term would be "knapped" not knapper. a knapper is the person doing the knapping.


Frosty The Lucky.

Unless its a kid doing the knapping.  Then the term would be "kid-knapper"

Don't mind me....its my bedtime.


Great looking knife.  I recently saw a youtube video where a guy made replicas of ancient archery tools.  One thing that interested me was a birch bark glue that he made to secure the fletchings as well as the knapped point to the shaft of an arrow.  Basically, take a coffee can or paint can, poke a hole in the bottom and fill it up with birch bark.  Dig a hole and place a jar in the hole, then put the coffee can on top so that the pitch can drip down into the jar.  Fill in with dirt and top the can with a loose lid and place a good sized stone on top to hold it down.  Now, build a fire around the can and let it burn down.  After about an hour, you should have a decent amount of birch bark pitch which is gooey when warm and hardens when cooled.  To make it gooey again, just warm it back up.  The pitch is blackish in color.  After he seated the arrow head and secured it with moistened sinew, he coated the whole wrap with the birch bark glue and let it dry and harden.  This was the same technique used on Otzie the Iceman's arrows which are about 5000 years old.  Some arrows were still intact. 


Sorry to ramble, thought I'd share a tidbit that might make a knapped blade look more "authentic".

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