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I Forge Iron


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    Northeast Mississippi
  • Interests
    Freemasonry. Tinkering with metal, wood, and leather. Hunting and fishing. Spending a lot of quality time with my three daughters.

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  1. Beautiful work, Theo! I love that little spike! The guard and handle on the fighter looks very functional as well as beautiful. Great work!
  2. That accident is on par with the time someone accidentally dropped an Oreo cookie into a glass of milk! Very unique.
  3. Used hoof rasps. The fellow that wanted the two rasp knives gave me his grandfather's old double length hoof rasp. Probably over 100 years old. Really tough stuff. After heat treating and tempering, they really took a nice edge. I love the first one the most, too. It really turned out to be a nice knife IMO.
  4. I haven't been on in a while. Been hugely busy with work and play. I've been doing some hoof rasp knives for friends and family. Not the best work in the world, but its something handy and hand-made. The little twisted-all-metal knife turned out to be a pretty decent little skinner. Went through a whitetail deer's hide and sternum like butter and held a good edge. I love the little loop on the end. When not in use, it hangs on the gambrel perfectly. Its not pretty...just a knock up first try at that style.
  5. Thank you all. I will pass on the remarks to her.
  6. Thanks, BCROB and Matt. Interestingly, Peggy's twin sister is named Jayme. My nickname is Jamie as well!
  7. My 12 year old daughter, Peggy was watching me at my forge this morning. She decided to write a poem as a gift to the members of this forum. The Blacksmith by Peggy R. McMillen Surrounded by his tools, the fire leaping to and fro, the blacksmith will weld and forge Everyday, all day long. Cinder and rust will float in the air. The small flies of fire making sure that he will choke. But still the blacksmith will weld and forge Everyday, all day long. In the hot blinding sun, he still continues his labor. The cinders choking him as he forges on the hot metal burns his hands and face. But still the blacksmith will weld and forge Everyday, all day long.
  8. I just finished the first stage of cleaning on a blower I picked up along with a Fulton anvil from a fellow about a mile from my house. Turns out, my blower is identical to Ngtmrknife's. I don't have the base, unfortunately. Also, the mounting section of the housing had been cracked and repaired with a brazing rod...looks like it was done a WHILE back. It was caked with coal dust and completely locked up. I got into it and freed up the gears, hosed everything down with WD40 and let it soak overnight. I've still got some scrubbing to do on the outside of the housing. Man, I wish I had that base!! Anyhow, I gave $150 for both the 100# anvil and the blower. It sure puts out some air! I informed my 12 year old daughter that her indentured servitude began as soon as that crank turned.
  9. Great discussion as I'm about to *attempt* to break in to a hand crank blower that I recently picked up.
  10. I'm just catching this thread. I wish you all the best and well wishes for the girls. My twins were born at 24 weeks gestation, so I know exactly what you've been going through. It is a tough road. My twins are 12 years old now and are two of the smartest kids in their class. Never give up hope, even when times are rough and things seem to be so overwhelming. I hope Mom and the girls are well, and continue to be well. Being a father of extreme premmies, I wish you all the best...and some peace to go along with it!
  11. This is probably a ridiculous question, but shouldn't there be some type of "gas escape" for the smaller drum or would that cause the charred wood to ignite? I'm thinking of making a retort and want to get all the specifics down pat so I don't waste time, money, and wood.
  12. Very steampunk, especially if you continue the theme with the base. Very nice work. Once again, I made the mistake of showing it to my wife. And once again, another project for me to do for her.
  13. As mentioned in previous postings, I just aquired a 100# range Fulton anvil. I'm completely new to the craft, having only made a couple of "knives" from horse shoes for my kids. These two items are the first made on my anvil. The handle is a cabinet/drawer handle made from .5" round in the "Gary Huston" style (YouTube vid) and is the first project off my anvil. The second is a hunting knife WIP for my father-in-law's Christmas present made from a used farrier rasp.
  14. Thanks guys. I plan to cut a lob off of an old telephone pole for a stand as this one is way too tall. Info on Fulton anvils from worthpoint listing of matchless antiques: "FULTON" was a Sears & Robuck Trademark. Sears offered a Cast Steel anvil with the name FULTON on it between 1920-1923. The anvil was named after the street that ran in front of Sears main offices in Chicago, Illinois. Because Sears only sold these anvils for a short time, they are relitively scarce. Sears only sold the Fulton anvil, they did not manufacture it. It is now known that Fulton anvils were made by The Columbian Hardware Company, of Cleveland, Ohio, that sold Columbian anvils. According to Richard Postman's book, Anvils In America, "Cast steel anvils are made out of "open hearth" steel and were not produced in the United States until shortly after the start of the 20th century." There are few examples of later American made cast steel anvils found today. Fulton is one of these later types that can found today. Mr. Postman goes on to say that he considered it (fulton) to be a very good anvil. "Sears dropped this cast-steel anvil and went back to selling wrought-iron anvils in its place." Information credited to Anvils In America.
  15. Picture Heavy! Here's my Fulton #5 anvil before and after a little clean up.
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