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I Forge Iron

What I've been up to!


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I've been rather busy since the IFI has been down (excellent work on that by the way, I think I speak for everyone when I say that we really appreciate the hard work being put into this site) and I thought I'd show you what I've been up to!


I've been doing quite a few integral handled knives, this one is rather different in it's design, it was quite fiddly to get it all to fit and to be honest I prefer the other styles! Oh well, it was good practice!




This is one of my latest Viking Woman's knives which I have a lot of fun making!




I made myself an eye punch and had a go at forging some horse head bottle openers. The drifting was quite rough, the one with the bent neck looks better but the straight necked one is much easier to use!




Using the same idea I made a horse head knife, it's actually really comfortable, but I'm not massively keen on the looks!




I made a large treble clef chime a while ago which was a bit awkward, so I made some smaller ones which I quite like, they have about 3 different tones depending on where you strike it.




I had a go at doing a hook rack, I was quite pleased with how it looked until I assembled it and my welds let me down massively and ruined the piece in my opinion. This was largely because it needed about 3 pairs of hands to hold things in place and weld them. I've got an idea on how to improve the design to eliminate the welds which I'll do when I get enough time!



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The pieces are looking good, you have a nice feel for the horse heads, I agree the straight ones look very appealing kind of like they're going fast. Welding into a gap like that can be problematical, a little practice and maybe an amperage adjustment aught to take care of it though.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Very nice work Gundog, you have indeed been busy!  have you attempted to tenon anything together yet? I think if you punch some holes through that crossbar and line the center two up with the scroll you could rivet the hooks on and either use the center two to rivet the scrolls, or draw out a longer tenon on them and wrap around the scroll to secure it.

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