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I Forge Iron

First session with new anvil

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Finally got a chance to get a fire in the forge and try out my new anvil a few days ago. Wow! I'd not really had any experience with a Hay Budden before. I think I'm in love! I've spent some time working on a cast ASO recently and it really makes you appreciate the rebound of a good anvil. I really will probably have to use ear protection though. My how this anvil rings! The rebound must be nearly 100%.


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Here's a short video I did showing how magnets can cut down the ring of an anvil.  After I shot this clip, I set the anvil in a bed of silicone caulk and it got even more quiet.


If your anvil is ringing like a church bell, I certainly recommend bedding it in a bit of caulk!  Shuts her up like nobody's business!!

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I'll see if I can find some chain lying round and try that. I've got a magnet or two around. I had some scrap pieces of 1/2" square stock that was dying to become tent stakes. I also made a new hold down out of some heavier stock to fit the larger pritchel hole on this anvil. I still like the old Peter Wright but this is such a great anvil I'm glad I didn't let it get away.

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If your anvil is ringing like a church bell, I certainly recommend bedding it in a bit of caulk!  Shuts her up like nobody's business!!

Those magnets seem to work pretty well, but won't the whole anvil eventually  become magnetised after a while?

Also what's caulk, you mean like standard silicone out of a caulking gun/tube?

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If your anvil is ringing like a church bell, I certainly recommend bedding it in a bit of caulk!  Shuts her up like nobody's business!!

Those magnets seem to work pretty well, but won't the whole anvil eventually  become magnetised after a while?

Also what's caulk, you mean like standard silicone out of a caulking gun/tube?

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forget about the chain. I don't know about the silicone stuff, haven't tried yet, but bolting the anvil tightly to the stump (not just that big nails bended over the feet which just prevent the anvil from moving/falling) will do wonders to cut the ring and stabilize the anvil. this also maximize the anvil efficiency. then add a magnet under the horn and another under the heel. the advantage over the silicone stuff is that you can remove the anvil when you want.

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Ain't a good anvil a joy Dave? while everybody is suggesting ways to quiet it down I'll toss in my favorite. A steel stand. Steel stands have different resonant frequencies than the anvil so they self damp and don't ring. sure they'll give a good TING but then it quiets right down.


That's it for advice. Now a hearty congratulations Dave! :D


Frosty The Lucky.

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