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I Forge Iron

I found a journeyman knife maker willing to show me all he knows


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I have someone to show me his style or forging knives. His teacher lives even closer. He's really happy to have someone who wants to learn. Told me I've got the bug bad. He's right of course and some of you know that and all of you know about the hot metal bug.

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Even if I don't get charged for my time there. It would be extremely inappropriate to not clean the shop, pick up coal from the supplier, keep the tools up, and go with him to help him sell His wares. I want to be the guy who is welcome, appreciated, and missed when I'm done.

So a suggestion to the guys wanting to learn from someone. Their time is valuable get them to value yours as well.

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  • 3 weeks later...

that is a good way to offer trade for lessons,  people offer to help me make things, but dont realize I will take mote time to show you how to make them than I can to make them myself, and a beginner isnt going to produce as fast or at the same quality, but offering to do the other things adds up fast. 


As for ABS they are not the only game in town.  They just want people to think they are, sometimes sadly igoring very good smiths because they want to get their money, charging a lot for a beginner class, even insisting smiths that have been smithing many years pay and attend, and many of them likely could teach it themselves, is a joke.   That attitude is not going to help progress smithing, it can kill it, and that is why I lost any respect I ever may have had for them. I do know a few good people that are members, but as I said sadly most are elitist to the point of arogance. We need to share our skills, and help each other when ever we can, not run people off

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For the most part, I agree with your premise. Several yrs ago, I eschewed both our local and the national organization for political and personal reasons. I rejoined the local assn only to go to a demo by an ABSMS, which was extremely helpful. From the few MS folks I've met, they've been willing to share and I joined the ABS to simply learn more, and not to attain a rating. At my age, a rating doesn't matter. Information to improve my skills does.


While I fully understand the need to bill for your time, and appreciate the time and effort some have put into to advancing their craft, I certainly wish cost was not always a deciding factor to perpetuate the knowledge of the craft. Bladesmithing is not like blacksmithing, so it seems to me. Ask a blacksmith anything and you'll most likely get an invite to spend a day and play. Such does not always seem to be so with bladesmithing. Maybe it's just my take on it.


I always have an open shop to those who want to learn. Buying lunch is the cost.   :)



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I can't and would not speak about any group based on the few members I meet. All I know is that this guy wants to share his Passion with someone who appreciates his work. I'm bringing index cards and a box with dividers. I'm picking his brain and taking notes.

This really is a great guy. He showed me a new style knife he has not finished yet. I said I'd like to make a similar knife but I'm concerned about infringing. He said I could use any idea from his shop and I can borrow from his personal library as well. ABS could be almost full of jerks. In my opinion there is at least 1 good guy there.

If you guys are near brayton tn. I will spring for lunch. I have a dirt floor shop so you won't even have to sweep.

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