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I Forge Iron

my first pattern welded scrapmascus blade


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Gday all,(chest puffed up)this is my first try at pattern welding ,all be it scrap steels its steel bandsaw blade from the cutoff saw at work and pallet strapping the one inch stuff i cleaned them both up cut em to lengths & tacked the ends & sides and welded on a rebar handle & prayed to the forge welding gods & went at it,the gods must have looked kindly on me ,fully welded found no inclusions 30 layers, left it random pattern for my first didnt want to test the gods too much,the slabs are homemade desert camo canvas micarta and im getting quicker at my leather work for the sheath , let me know what you thinkpost-22040-0-11842400-1357989932_thumb.jpost-22040-0-40695300-1357989961_thumb.jpost-22040-0-37508800-1357989673_thumb.jcheers

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Turned out great!  I made one using the same bandsaw blade and strapping a while back.  It turned out pretty cool too!  Mine was a 42 layer count, gives it a nice random pattern when you keep the layer count low.  Good job on the forge weld!  It is very satisfying when everything works out!

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Thanks all for the kind words ,I also have a question , when I quenched the blade (vegetable oil) and pulled it out i found it had also etched the blade like left topography the crud from the quench was only stuck on the darker section it sanded off after heat treating but still has the topography so I only had it in the vinegar for an hour or so to darken back up ,just wondering if this happens sometimes or I had it too hot or my oils just special

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