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I Forge Iron

Designing a new forge

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Hi guys, I'm trying to design a new forge that I'll build when I get back on shore after the holidays.
I've never had a proper forge, just a selection of random things that I've made do with. I'm quite bored so I'm trying to keep my mind occupied while I'm on the rigs.

Since moving house I no longer have access to the cast iron box that I've used for the last few years. So in an act of desperate desire to hit some steel I made a basic forge in an afternoon a few weeks ago before I had to go back offshore for work.
It's ugly and I have to dismantle it to put it away. So I'd like to build something a bit nicer and more portable.

I've since found a decent local scrap yard that I can source some materials on the cheap. But I have a number of daft questions that I'd like to ask you guys.

I've been after one of the Alcosa portable round forges we get over here, for some time to no avail. They look ideal for my needs but there seems to be an awful lot of wasted space. (I don't have a lot of storage space)

So, question 1.
Why why is there so much space for the coke? I'm sure I read years ago it's to do with the retained heat or something but clarification would be good. Obviously when using coal you are going to have a region where it starts the transformation to coke.

2. With a round body, is a bottom blast blower effectively more efficient? By I that I mean it would be more central so in theory you could make more use of the space available as opposed to being limited to the outer edge of the pan?

3. Would a forge outside benefit from a small chimney?

I think as a generalisation us Brits are more fond of the side blast style than bottom blast. I know I like the design for ease of removing any clinker. But having said that I've never used or even seen a bottom blast forge in the flesh so to speak.

Sorry for the rant

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with coke you need a large fire to make it efficient effectively a big oven. you want a nice sized pile of coke that isnt burning over the pile that is. containing heat/gases ect, the best forge for coke is a sideblast, although a tuyere blast works fine too, just make sure you have a large table or high sides to mound the coke and make a nice pile or oven, try not to get a hand crank blower as coke needs a lot of air to maintain a good heat and it will also stop burning the second no air is passing through the forge,  :) any more questions PM me. 

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We have a couple of forges setup outside at our current workshop. They are fitted with a hood and chimney that were originally used as inside forges. We find that having the flues keeps the heat and sparks etc out of your face even though the outlets are only a couple of feet above our heads.


Rob Kenning

Artist Blacksmiths Association South Australia.

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I'd appreciate that Charles, many thanks.

I'd rather ask silly questions and get it right than not bother and find that things could have easily been improved.

Rob, cheers for that reply. That is what I was wondering mainly. I often use charcoal when I can get a decent amount of good quality stuff. It usually doesn't spark and spit but very occasionally it does and can be very annoying.

I'm at work on the rigs as we type so I have some time to sketch out some designs and look into it.

Merry Christmas guys!

All the best

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I've got a little issue to pick with you Andy. You promised us some Daft questions and didn't deliver, leaving many of us deprived. Do you lack perspective or are you just mean? <grin>


Sorry that's about all I have to offer, I'm primarily a propane forge guy so all I can offer is my poor attempt to lighten the day.


Frosty The Lucky.

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Hmm... so Frosty usually has gas... ^_^


Andy, I look forward to following your progress, as I am new to heating and beating metal myself. I've built a bottom-draft brake drum forge as my first one and am learning a lot from the posts I'm reading here and elsewhere on IFI. I don't yet know what of it I may incorpoirate when I alter, rebuild or replace my current forge... but it's good to have multiple options.

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