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I Forge Iron

forge construction in the makin


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I have not been able to get my pictures up on here yet(wife hasn't tried yet) but for those of you doin the FaceBook deal go to my page Edward Lee Green an you will see a few she put up for me there.click on the pics for some descriptions of what I am trying to get done,Thanks for all the help that you are puttin on this site, - Edward

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That's a nice set up in the works. You may find that expanded mesh may screen out more fuel than desired if you ever pile up any coal or charcoal outside of the firepot. I wouldn't even worry about pounding down that dent in the bottom. Some folks even use a raised air-inlet so that the clinker forms in a doughnut around the bottom. Although that's a large hole in the middle.

Looks like you may even make try and make a horse shoe or two based on your other photos. I think the world needs more smiths who aren't afraid of being thought of as farriers. :D

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Torque converter, that's interesting.

Since charcoal, coal, coke, all contain usable fines the screen is going to let good fuel fall through. Your table does not need to be thick, but it does need to be solid. With reinforcing thin sheet metal will be suitable.

You will want a brace to support the weight of the firepot if you go with thin metal for the top. You can use some angle or similar. You will also want to weld in something in the gap between the torque converter and the firepot frame.

Since you have a nice heavy duty frame something that can fold down and be used for long stock would be nice.

Good start, looks useful overall.


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short note before I go to work.center hole has a piece of expanded metal covering it.4 corners are covered w/ pieces of hammermill screenan welded
pot has 4 supports welded to stablize it bout an inch or little over of red clay in the pot an out to the edge of its square frame 'ran out of clay an used cat litter from clay on out to the angle frame full inch plus.W/M cheap cat litter is just that,cheap didn't work worth a hoot.bonded good w/ meshes but has a bunch of fine chat in it .gonna have to bust it back out an use portland.gotta go thanks to all,oh rsw 4" grinder an zip blade just follow the seam.when done right one side is deeper than the other

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Looks like you may even make try and make a horse shoe or two based on your other photos. I think the world needs more smiths who aren't afraid of being thought of as farriers. :D

I think the horses may have a different opinion, farriers need proper training to do their job correctly, I liken them to veterinarian chiropodists/podiatrists, they do more than make and nail shoes on, and even that has to be done correctly.
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Absolutely, it's a job that takes knowledge, skill and audacity. I for one am never insulted when someone assumes just because I'm standing beside an anvil.. I'm also willing to wrest the foot a 1000lb animal squarely between my knees :o.

Heh, I'm actually not afraid of a horse. I grew up around 'em and watched farriers work; I'd even like to learn the trade as much as there is to learn.
I do figure someone who likes horses and is interested in blacksmithing ought to at least try making a horse shoe. The number of talented blacksmiths out there who used to shoe horses.. I don't know I bet it's good practice.. if you're not afraid of a stereotype.

Any plans to eventually make your own cinch hardware? Every so often I see them, it'll really up the ante and make them something special.

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already have made a few cinch rings rings are easy after a feller told me to drill a hole in the pipe before you start wrapping. the tongues were a bit harder till I built a jig.yep there is quite a bit I want to build an have not been
able to.used to make a few bits and spurs kinda wanted to get back to that also.built one smal chuck wagon and grubox now to build some hardware for them.oxbow stirrups,2 pair, more of them only 1 1/4 "tapered to the top,not straight 1".horseshoes,the best metal from them are the rake teeth from a horse drawn rake.I also make mouthpieces from the and have made 3 swivel knives out of them.they mke good stove pokers and branding iron handles.you already have an eye on one end just need to shape ti a bit
the other pics are gone from the camera.don't know what happened to them.got the litter busted out of the forge today an will clean it up so ya'll can see that the braces were welded in an corners plugged.those were the pictures I lost,plus wheels welded on an a tool rack on one end. NOW I NEED HELP FIGGERIN OUT HOW TO POST PICTURES ON HERE! hunted up one side an down the other and can't figger this deal out or the pics would be up here instead of FB. the torque convertor just jumped up and grabbed me.had a small one then found the 12" one I used at the next door neighbors salvage /wrecker yard.

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  • 3 weeks later...

have not had time to work on this forge lately. did get all the litter out and off the expanded metal and out of the torque convertor
gonna get some better clay for the pot and mix up some heavy mortar for the expanded metal like I first wanted to do
I did not have any tank steel for the bed hence the mesh,2 layers,and small enough on top to slow the mud down and tie
the mud together to help keep it from cracking.both pieces are sloped toward the center so raking the coal won't be a problem
I still plan on using clay for the fire pot as originally planned for easy repacement if/when it is needed. the cement will come up to the angle
iron frame around the pot.thanks for the help and comments.still lookin an figgerin for a reasonable priced blower also.but will prolly go with the heater fan
with some kind of shroud.

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  • 2 months later...

well,here it is nearly Christmas an I still don't have this thing done! still not found a crank blower that is priced in  my ballpark yet

to dang dry to dig for clay around here  but hope to get out this week an get clay for the torque convertor,then I can mix up some portland for the

restgotta get a fire built under me before I can get to heat an beat.Ya'll have a good and safe Christmas

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