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Total newb, anvil ok for purchase?

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TOTAL newb here, I've done machining work for many years, but rarely ever pounded red hot metal.
But I want to now!
Been searching CL for a anvil in my area (SE Wisconsin), and came across an anvil nearby this week.
He had three anvils, and selling two of them off after recently getting a big one.
Owner indicates Armitage Mousehole, but thought I'd post here for any more info or tips about it.

Does this look correct?
He's asking $200.These are the pics I've got so far.



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Ive not seen an anvil like that before, how much does it weight? Looks like 75-90lbs. If you have the money then you might as well, if its 80lbs @ $200 thats $2.50 per/lb, not horrible as long as it has a steel face. It would be a better anvil than most start with.

Have fun!

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He told me 115-120lbs, since he has several anvils and was quite informative, I have no reason to doubt it....
The guy is 6'-3", so his bigger feet/legs may make the avil look smaller.

I was wondering about the shape of that anvil, is that good or bad for general work?
Or what is the reason for the shape?
I think he may take $150 for it if I plunked down some green in front of him.
He told me his wife wants it gone since he spent a goodly amount on his latest 300# anvil.....

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Postman's Anvils in America claims that pritchels didn't start until 1830 IIRC. It would be nice to see other markings to date it closer, but if it just says "Armitage Mousehole" or "M&H Armitage Mousehole", it's likely pre -1830. That looks like a grand first anvil. I would be proud to own it even at $200!!

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No way the heck is that a Mousehole---totally different shape! Note the absence of the small sharp ridged feet which would be indicative of an early Mousehole. It's so different from a Mousehole that if it was *stamped* Mousehole I'd do a real careful investigation of the stamping vs known examples to see if someone "retrofitted" the stamping.

Note too that they are making anvils without pritchel holes at this very moment down in Mexico so the lack of a pritchel doesn't date it when it's not an old anvil style. (not to mention pritchels being retrofitted to earlier anvils was fairly common too)

That looks like a cast anvil to me and I could only suggest trying the ring and the rebound *BEFORE* spending any money on it. If you get a good ring and an 80% or better rebound on the ball bearing test then It probably be a decent anvil to get.

Definitely don't buy it before testing!

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Its a cool look for an anvil, or an ASO, whichever it is. I don't like the look of the flaw under the table-it looks poorly cast, and I second Phil. Its not really round. It doesn't look like there is a hardened steel plate as the face, but definately take a look in person and do tha forementioned tests.

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  • 1 month later...

if i could get for 100-125 and i was just wanting to begin and learn the art, i would take it in a heart beat, its hard to find a deal on a good anvil, and a good deal is all most of us can afford these days. but good things do come to those who wait. i spent about a year and ahalf searching for that great deal on my first anvil and it paid off... i got a 100# peter wright pristine cond just a bit rusty, and a 150# wright that had been well used but is still a great anvil. all this for 200$. i couldnt give the money to the seller and leave quick enough. i gave high fives to my brother the whole way home i was so excited.

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