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I Forge Iron

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The name fits so well I'm thinking of keeping it unless someone else already has dibs :) Did a search and I only found the instuctional videos but who know, right?

Anyways, I'm just starting out, getting my forge all built up ATM, but have been cruising several forums for awhile...AGAIN. This is my third attempt to get into the craft, but third times a charm. Now I have plenty of room, if not much to spend.

I'm 29 married with two kids, live in Centerville texas and would love to stop by your shop and see how its done if your close enough to Leon county, maybe even have some people come by mine and check me out, tell me how wrong I am, lmao. This county has alot of decent ore, hemitite I believe I need to get some pics up for an ID, so I've been longing to get into the smelting side of things as well. Maybe I'll get good enough at making steel that ya'll will see me selling to bring the Poor Man's Forge up to the Not-So-Poor Man's Forge. And if anyone live close and does the same and would like to work with the ore laying around here maybe we could do a trade. I need me some tools, see.

Now get off the computer and make something!



everybody starts somewhere, it is good just to start, it seems the universe lines up with new blacksmiths and opens doors to get them more goodies, I wish you well, I'm sure HABA or another Texas org. has some folks near you! Good luck!


Balcones Forge is the Central Texas blacksmith group-- www.balconesforge.org Then there is the North Texas Blacksmith Assoc.-- www.ntxba.org and finally but NOT least is the Houston Area Blacksmith Assoc.-- www.habairon.org I'm just east of Longview, TX which is 2ish hrs from you and there is the Lee Bros. in Bryan, Tx (their contact info can be found at the HABA site...look at the article for the Feb. meeting that was held at their shop. Give me a holler if you head this way, I'll go out and light a fire...that is if it's not already going. BTW, welcome to the site!


Find the fuel available and build the forge to use that fuel.

Doing so atm, lol. Having....not really issues, but I'm at an impass with my forge, I'll post up elsewhere in a minute.

Thanks for the heads up and the invite Thomas! Waiting on gas money lol. Do you smelt too? I'd bring some broken up ore with me if ya do. Something I'm going to play around with to build up my tool supply. I figure why not make em from scratch, though I realize it will be a long road still. I've been scavanging to start, but thats going to dry up sooner or later so I need to find a landowner out in the boonies that has a mound of the stuff and a broken bowie.

BTW, been looking for a touchmark registry so I can finalize my design to make in the near future, other than the one on Iforge I cannot seem to find a more complete list. I KNOW there are more smiths out there than that. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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