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I Forge Iron

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here are the rose trellis bits i finished, and another curly stake. i have already sold a few of these stakes - people are enjoying the texture i think, which is nice because i enjoyed doing it :)

post-4935-0-54399200-1332940088_thumb.jp post-4935-0-43938900-1332939928_thumb.jp post-4935-0-23943200-1332939939_thumb.jp post-4935-0-67321600-1332940058_thumb.jp post-4935-0-09964900-1332940040_thumb.jp


thankyou! and you wayne :) MO you need to reduce the size of the picture to 300, 300 what im not sure, but mine start from about 2000 pixels (is that what it is?) and up to about 3700 but you need to find the box which allows you to reduce the size. i am on a mac and you click on the picture, go into tools, and you will find the adjust size tool in there... no earthly idea if your not on mac. it is very frustrating i know! i would be interested to see as well!


bless you all you lovely lot :) its only people i 'know' whove bought some, so thats good, but strangers are better . somehow ;)

woody you may certainly call me devil - i believe in the instinctive and accurate nature of mister predictiive, and often take to his choice so wholeheartedly that i choose to use his suggestion instead .. such as my fave coffee establishment in the town near where i live run by a fabulous serbian family, it always ends up being a kind of confessional, i dunno, i just like it in there ANYWAY his name always comes up as 'ulcer' when i suggest meeting there, by text, to one of my bezzie girlfriends, and its strangely appropriate. crikey - off on a tangent - its only 741am too, its going to be one of those days... again...

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