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I Forge Iron

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Hi, welcome to everyone who's having a look here with a smile :)

My name is Tom, alias in the net Tom Oldsmith. I work in metal is treated as fun, for pleasure, because I like it. I prefer copper because it is undervalued, and offers many possibilities.


Welcome to the group
I liked the copper reposse piece you show on your bio so I went to your web site.
The work in the gallery is excellent
I book marded your home page to go back to
I even enjoyed the tutorials even though they are not in english any way to get a translation
you are far from a newbie in metal work


hi tom - i love copper too - it has lovely qualities, i think your mermaid is stunning!! beautifully done, i will look right through your website :) welcome from me too :)


Welcome to IFI Tom, good to have you here.

I like forging copper, lots of possibilities. I'll have to spend more time on your site when I have a little more time.

Frosty The Lucky.


Thank you for your interest in my post. I visited the forum, I saw many interesting topics. Can will make something from myself, although writing is a problem, I read it is easier.
ps.I know that on my page, he writes in the language which the translator does notunderstand. Excuse me, but I'm not a humanist, just a coppersmith :D
ps.ps. Witaj prezesieAdamm :)

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