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I Forge Iron

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I found the posts and with a little adjustment it gives the following ramp.

Honestly, there were more welding than forge.... :ph34r:


Top Rail : 2½ X ¼
Corner post : 1½ tube
Bottom Rail : angle, 1X1 X ¼
Post : kindda twist X 3/8
Finish : 38 inch. high


Are you asking our opinion? I see that as a fabrication/welding project with no blacksmithing. Even if you made those pickets (look store bought to me) heating and bending is not what I would consider forging, which I think of as changing size,shape or surface texture of the material not just bending it.
I think it looks good for a fab project and I am currently doing more fab work than forge work :angry: .
Looks good


I see that as a fabrication/welding project with no blacksmithing.

Thank you and you are right.

I do these projects as a hobby and I'm still quite excited when I finished one. B)

I will try to focus on real blacksmithing projects for my next posts. ;)

the work looks good! i like the twisty top one best:) but they look professional and tidy, even if you wouldnt say 'forged' - there is lots of work on here that is in this category, or a combo of many categorys, and its all of interest :) thanks for posting


That top example is getting close to a nicely done grapevine motif, add some leaves and tendrils and perhaps a bark textured top rail and you would push that from Fab to Fabulous---IMNSHO!

However it's a good start. I'd rather see a well made Fab than a sloppy forged one as it's usually easier to introduce the forging aspect than it is to get the spacing and welding down well for a fellow doing sloppy work.


You have to start somewhere, and you should be proud of any project that results in what the customer wanted and is happy with. You had to take measurements, figure out where this goes and that, appearance, how to join pieces together, etc. As you practice more, get involved more with blacksmithing, you will start to incorporate more blacksmithing aspects to your work. But, this takes lots of time and energy. So, just keep making, fabricated or not, projects and enjoy the process.


Nice work. Those are the some of the best railings that have been posted on IFI in the last week, and I've never made a railing as good as that.

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