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I Forge Iron

Hello from Tipton UK

Syd Partridge

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I am the last in our family to work with a forge. Two years ago my Father retired and closed the business but I was lucky enough to be offered the Blacksmiths’ shop (for a fee!).
I had been forging copper soldering irons and bits for them during the last 12 years and this is what I continue to do now.
I now want to learn blacksmithing not just because it’s fascinating but because I need to - my tools are beginning to wear!
This is a great site. I’ve already had some really good suggestions.

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Welcome aboard Syd, glad to have you.

Needing to make a special tool or two seems to be one of the most common gateways to becoming a proper blacksmith addict. I'm sure I'm not the only one looking forward to seeing some pics from you, especially of the tools you need to make and your progress doing so.

Frosty The Lucky.

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