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I Forge Iron

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Did everyone see in the report that they are teaching the soldiers forge work for 5 days. What a joke. Things like this are good ways our government wastes money. No body with 5 days of training is going to be even close to a reasonable teacher of a complex trade. Maybe they should just translate some of the good beginning blacksmith books and just hand them out.


Folks. something that may be getting overlooked here, is that there may indeed be skilled metal workers, in some places. The fact of the matter is, that the populace is scattered far, and wide among those boulder strewn mountains, and that it would be unlikely to find a smith in each village or tribal holding. Please don't discount what these soldiers are doing. In addition to the war being fought against the Taliban, there is a war being waged for the hearts and minds, of the Afghan people. Take away the support network of the Taliban, by securing the goodwill and loyalty, of the tribes, that have historically supported them. If they were not lending support for idiological reasons, but out of fear, then you will find an ally among those tribes. Just my two cents worth.


While there are indeed skilled metal workers in Afganistan, those Lee Enfield copies were made in Packistan when the Russians were in Afganistan. The Taliban and Jihadies used Packistan as a refuge then as now.

5 days of training sounds light to me, but then the ARMY way is "see it once, do it once, teach it" AND, if you teach a guy how to knock together a forge and something to blow it, haw to make even a couple of simple things, then he will naturally progress.

As to translating the books, since there are many dialects and many who are iliterate, the books would need to be pictures in most cases. Teaching by a human, also wins those hearts and minds.

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