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I Forge Iron

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I'd been meaning to make something like this for a while, as a way to hang my coat in the office. When my office moved, the new cubicles were profoundly lacking in any sort of accoutrements to get stuff off the desk. I think I heard the term "clean design" mentioned.

Anyway, made a paperclip template to get the opening sized right and hang my headset, radio and rubber band stack on these. Contractor freak outs over scratches on the painted black surfaces warrented the leather strips under my ironwork.




Those aught to do the trick for you. I stopped making forged hooks for my locker door, they kept getting stolen.

When I first read the subject what came to mind (my mind works like this all the time) was hooks to keep people in their cubicle.

Frosty The Lucky.


I like the idea of a hook to keep someone IN the cubicle. At least the new ones are lower height than the old space. Less of that Gopher Popping experience when something happens and everyone's head pops over the top of the cubicle. I'll stick with the leather under the hooks. Modern office needs some iron, leather and wood (stll working on that part) in a den of plastic and electronics.

Earning a paycheck and smithing for fun.

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