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DeLoy Larson (Larson’s Ornamental Iron in Pleasant Grove, Utah) passed away on November 12, 2011.

The Blacksmithing and Metal Fabrication world has been honored and privileged to have had such a wonderful and talented Blacksmith and Metal Artist in its ranks.
This day I am torn between morning the loss of a friend, or to celebrate that I knew such a man.
I have chosen to celebrate how his life has touched my life and so many other people’s lives in such positive and generous ways.

One question I ask myself when I associate with someone is “Would I want to depend on this person if we were in combat?” The answer is hardly ever “Yes”.
DeLoy’s word was gold. And yes, I would trust DeLoy in any kind of a situation be it Skill level, Business, or in War.

To have known this quiet, strong, talented blacksmith, and brilliant man has been one of my life’s privileges.

I can say that he has truly given me the “shirt off of his back” in the form of time spent with me when he could have been making money, treasures he has given to me as things he made, and the treasure of his unique friendship.

Deloy spoke of his family often. We are fortunate that his son “Doug” who worked with father (DeLoy) all of his life will keep the forge fire of “Larson’s Ornamental Iron” burning.

DeLoy often spoke of the sacrifices that his family had to endure while he was building his business such as insurance issues, finances, and long hours, just like so many of us in this business have done.

He spoke a lot about his son (Doug) who walked in DeLoy’s footsteps from the time he was a little boy.
He was concerned that he may have made him work too much and too hard.
That little boy (Doug) became a highly skilled metal fabricator and business man.
I would say “Yes” Doug paid a price to obtain his knowledge and skills, but DeLoy was in hopes that Doug would understand someday that he thought it was for his best good.

During the past two years while Deloy was so sick, he could not say enough positive things about how well Doug ran the company.
He said "if I knew Doug would have done so well I would have retired a long time ago".

In summary; my life, and I believe many others lives are much better for having known DeLoy Larson and his son Doug.
Ted Throckmorton
And now may the Anvils Ring with Joy to celebrate this fine man’s life.


His family and friends are in my prayers.

Ted, you gave a wonderful testimony to your friends life. Oh that we all should leave such an impression/legacy behind. From your kind words I can see that he has blessed many people in his life. He has set an example of how we are to treat others. May God bless his family as he has blessed others.

Mark <><


the anvil is ringin in Jacksonville, FL
Ted there are very few people in the world like that left and each one lost is a shame. I can only hope someone touches my life the way he touched yours. my thoughts and prayers go to his family and everyone who loved him, cause it sounds like a lot.

George Riley Simonds


I feel your grief and appreciation, too, Ted. Deloy was quite the mechanic, smith, folk artist and humorist. Anyone who saw his twisting machines cold twist 4" square stock knew he knew his stuff. When an engineer asked Deloy to see the plans for his machines he just tapped his forehead. "It's all in here." And it was! His traps were a calling card for him from his large one that required a trailer to move it to the little ones that he proudly produced in front of you and then gave you a numbered memento to be cherished forever. The trap by the door with the "complaint department" sign and the little bucket hanging off of it to catch the finger if it rang the buzzer mounted in the trap was true testament to his sense of humor. His forging was beautiful! A rams' head with little rams' heads on the ends of the horns. Acorns and oak leaves, a baroque railing sample are just a small rememberance of what I saw in his shop. I know I must be missing a lot more about Deloy as the afternoon spent in his shop seemed like I couldn't cram enough information and details in my head before we had to leave. It was a fun and special time! He will truely be missed.


Deloy Larson’s Large Trap
Randy, I see that you know what I am talking about then.
Thank you for acknowledging Deloy and who he is!

There is a reason I feel it is important to focus on who Deloy is as a person.
And that would be to hopefully give some food for thought to new blacksmiths, and let them know that there is more to blacksmithing than the skills of forging.

That a good and kind heart will help a person reach the heights of what is most important in life by using the vehicle of their skills of being a blacksmith!

I feel privileged that Deloy sent me “Trap Number 416” ~ Big Foot Trap Line Co.
I attached links to some photos of the Deloy’s LARGE trap.
Deloy’s humor ran deep. This very quiet and gentle man had a fun but clever (tongue in cheek) positive way of surprising people with his ingenious skills and the end product.

He put into practice what old “Grandpa Jones” of Hee Haw and Grand Old Opery fame sung about in a song called “Falling Leaves” .

Here is just the last verse it:

To your grave there's no use taking any gold;
It's no use when it's time for hands to fold.
When you leave this world for a better home someday
The only thing you'll take is what you gave away.”
- - - - - - - -


I believe what that song says, and I know Deloy understood those words and lived them!
I wish the best to all who read this.
Ted Throckmorton


I know it's hard for those who never met Deloy to visualize him and his work so I put together some photos for you. A pleasant rememberance for me, too.

Here's a description of the photos:

The first one is me sitting at the anvil with Deloy standing. I knew him for about 15 minutes at the time.

This is the swiveling anvil seat that he created.

Some of Deloys fance forged works. Note the rams heads on the rams head horns! Next is a real small rams head. This is on a welding rod with the coating still on it!

A stack of his railings. Some done as samples for jobs.

Deloys twisting machine. This was the big one he built.

Some of the twisted bars he designed and made. Look in the back for the bigger ones.

One of his little traps. Next is the trap building station that he built and took to redevous. He made me one of the last ones, number 616. These are about 6-1/2" across when open including the springs. The last shot is of his complaint department with the buzzer on the trap trigger and the little bucket to catch the finger.

What a talent! What a guy! He is missed.














  • 5 months later...

Mr. Throckmorton, I'm sorry for your loss. It isn't often you find someone like who you have described Mr. DeLoy as. I hope and pray that his family will be blessed and that they will feel peace in his passing; and I also pray that the lives of those he has touched will be blessed as well.

The anvil is ringing here in Georgia.


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