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I Forge Iron

2 Chambersburg #200 Steam Hammers

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I am the guy who has the 2 Chambersburg Steam Hammers, model #200 I believe, mentioned in another post. One is in fine condition, the other is in pieces. I am located in Baton Rouge, LA. I'm not sure what to ask for these giants, but I know they have alot of scrap value and would like to offer them to a blacksmith who would appreciate them. There is a guy interested in splitting the scrap fee tomorrow afternoon in exchange for hauling them off, I really hate to do that but my time has run out. I only found out yesterday what they really were. If anyone wants to make an offer, do so by 8AM Friday. I have pictures I can email or text. Email: [email protected] or call 225-241-6686.





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Amazing what some people will send to scrap, I was talking to a guy at work today about wanting to build a hydraulic press and he tells me that they just sent one to the scrap yard that had a 12 inch cylinder (approx. from his description). The fork lift 6000 lb capacity would just barley lift it. He said they got it from Boeing- doah

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm the person who purchased these hammers. We've just finished moving them to their new home. A little clarification - the ad stated these were 2 - 200lb hammers, but it looks like the second disassembled hammer is a 400lb utility. The cylinder is marked 4H 922 and the 200lb is marked 2H 776 LO on the tup. So far it looks as though all the parts are there for both hammers!
On another note, the 200lb is from the same serial range and Army Corps of Engineers designation as Danger Dillon's hammer. I guess that leaves 58 more unaccounted for!
I would greatly appreciate any help on finding manuals or parts diagrams for these hammers. Looking forward to getting these cleaned up, reassembled and into operation again!

Mike Richard


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Thanks! It looks(so far) like all the parts are there! I am a knifemaker and also do some blacksmithing. I will primarily use these for making damascus. These will be a significant improvement to my 25 lb Little Giant!

It's a great thing you saved em' I reckon 98% of us would have mourned the loss of those proud artifacts of American Industry for some time............Worst case of Hammeritis I've ever seen! You could forge your 25 LG into Damascus with that 400.... :lol:
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I am very happy to save these hammers. I would have been really sick to find out they had gone to scrap. It's bad enough knowing that a previous owner had scrapped rest of the shop's contents, which was said to be packed full of equipment. I found dies and springs from little giant hammers there as well. Seems as though anything that could be hauled out got scrapped. Good thing the scrap guys couldn't handle these! The 400 frame was toppled over outside the shop apparently from a failed attempt to drag it off. I will be running these off of air.

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