Guest UniqueBlades Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 Hello Fellow Blacksmiths, I came across this website: SPAM, it is HIS (UniqueBlades) Store Front and they carry an awesome book collection on blacksmithing. It's a collection of digital copies of old books that you can purchase on disk. It is full of a lot of obscure information. It helped me on a lot of my projects so I just thought I would recommend it. SPAM, it is a HIS Store Front Quote
brian.pierson Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 All, I just want to throw this out here. I looked at the list of books on the CD. From that I found 3/4s of them on the google book site available for download or online reading. Those of us that have a fast enough internet connection can read them on line or download them for free. Those that have a slower connection, then the price appears to be a decent one. I am including the URLs for the ones that I found on a coffee break. I recommend the website for any of us looking for older books on blacksmithing. There are more on there too as well as old periodicals. The site is good as you can find where the scans come from and do inter-library loan for the actual book. I wanted to throw that out there so Thomas didn't have to type it. Brian Pierson List following 1) Blacksmith Shop Practice - 1910 - 40 pages Note: This is online only no downloadable copy 2) The Value of Science in the Smithy and Forge - 1916 - 163 pages 3) Farm Blacksmithing - 1904 - 104 pages 4) Forgecraft - 1913 - 175 pages 5) Electric Welding - 1914 - 48 pages 6) Forge Work - 1912 - 210 pages 7) Forge-Practice - Elementary - 1908 - 279 pages 8) Practical Forging and Art Smithing - 1915 - 144 pages Note: No online Google copy found. This book has been republished in paper form. 9) United States Navy Drop Forging Book - Covering Drop Forgings Under all Bureaus for Which Dies are on Hand at Navy Yards - 1919 - 1644 pages 10) The Metallurgy of Iron and Steel - 1908 - 509 pages 11) Practical Guide to Iron and Steel Works Analyses - 1911 - 181 pages 12) Steel Working and Tool Dressing - 1914 - 207 pages 13) Hardening, Tempering, Annealing and Forging of Steel - A Treatise on the Practical Treatment and Working of High and Low Grade Steel Comprising The Selection and Identification of Steel, The Most Modern and Approved Heating, Hardening, Tempering, Annealing and Forging Processes, The Use of Gas Blast Forges, Heating Machines and Furnaces, The Annealing and Manufacturing of Malleable Iron, The Treatment and Use of Self-Hardening Steel, with Special Reference to Casehardening Processes, The Hardening and Tempering of Milling Cutters and Press Tools, The Use of Machinery Steel for Cutting Tools, Forging and Welding, High Grade Steel Forcings in America, Forging of Hollow Shafts, Drop-Forging, and Grinding Processes for Tools - 1903 – 288 pages,+Tempering,+Annealing+and+Forging+of+Steel&hl=en&ei=cnm5Td-fGcTh0QHx-qjoDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CFkQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false 14) The Mechanician, A Treatise on the Construction and Manipulation of Tools, For the Use and Instruction of Young Engineers and Scientific Amateurs - Comprising the Arts of Blacksmithing and Forging, The Construction and Manufacture of Hand Tools, and the Various Methods of Using and Grinding Them, the Construction of Machine Tools and How to Work Them, Machine Fitting and Erection, Description of Hand and Machine Processes, Turning and Screw Cutting, Principles of Constructing and Details of Making and Erecting Steam Engines, and the Various Details of Setting out Work Incidental to the Mechanical Engineer's and Machinist's Art - 1879 – 600 pages Note: this is listed at 397 pages not 600 but 1879 so it may or may not be the same book 15) Elementary Forge Practice - 1920 - 154 pages 16) Standard Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing and Wagon Making Containing Twelve Lessons in Elementary Blacksmithing - 1907 - 211 pages,+Horseshoeing+and+Wagon+Making&hl=en&ei=u3u5TeDlOeby0gHY6szhDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CFUQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false 17) American Blacksmithing, Toolsmith's and Steelworker's Manual - 1911 - 240 pages Note: No online Google copy found. This book has been republished in paper form. 18) Notes for Forge Shop Practice - 1910 - 68 pages 19) Drop Forging, Die Sinking and Machine Forming of Steel - Modern Shop Practice, Processes, Methods, Machines, Tools and Details - 1911 - 341 pages,+Die+Sinking+and+Machine+Forming+of+Steel&hl=en&ei=7ny5TdvoF4X00gGWkPX8Dw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CF4Q6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false 20) The Case-Hardening of Steel - An Illustrated Exposition of the Changes in Structure and Properties Induced in Mild Steels by Cementation and Allied Processes 1914 - 190 pages 21) Bolt, Nut and Rivet Forging - 1914 - 43 pages,+Nut+and+Rivet+Forging&hl=en&ei=On25TbfWEOTo0QGTorzlCg&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CGUQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false 22) Forges and Furnaces in the Province of Pennsylvania - 1914 - 204 pages 23) Practical Blacksmithing Volume 1 - 1889 - 224 pages 24) Practical Blacksmithing Volume 2 - 1891 - 262 pages 25) Practical Blacksmithing Volume 3 - 1889 - 307 pages 26) Practical Blacksmithing Volume 4 - 1889 - 276 pages NOTE: Several Pages at beginning were badly scanned in. I believe this is Volume 4 but not 100% positive 27) Forge-Practice and Heat Treatment of Steel - 1919 - 418 pages 28) Forging Operations - 1916 - 173 pages Not found 29) Machine Forging - 1914 - 36 pages Not Found 30) Drop Forging - 1910 - 54 pages 31) Machine Blacksmithing - 1910 - 48 pages 32) The Complete Guide to Blacksmithing, Horseshoeing - 1902 - 222 pages Note: No online Google copy found. This book has been republished in paper form. 33) Machine Molding - Foundry Appliances, Malleable Casting, Brass Founding, Blacksmith-Shop Equipment, Iron Forging, Tool Dressing, Hardening & Tempering, Treatment of Low-Carbon Steel, Hammer Work, Machine Forging, Special Forging Operations - 1906 - 678 pages Not found 34) Modern Blacksmithing - 1904 - 202 pages 35) The Working of Steel, Annealing, Heat Treating, and Hardening of Carbon and Alloy Steel - 1922 - 245 pages,+Annealing,+Heat+Treating,+and+Hardening+of+Carbon+and+Alloy+Steel&hl=en&ei=XYq5TcTDH6qO0QG7qPzxDw&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CGMQ6AEwAA#v=onepage&q&f=false Quote
Marksnagel Posted April 28, 2011 Posted April 28, 2011 U.B. and Brian, Thanks guys for helping spread the word on the books. I'll definately use what ya'll posted. Mark<>< Quote
MattBower Posted May 6, 2011 Posted May 6, 2011 This fellow showed up on two other sites I frequent. On one he used what may be his real name, Scott Hawkins, and was open about the fact that he's the guy who's actually selling the DVDs. On another he used the handle UniqueBlades, and, just like he's doing here, he pretended to be just a helpful blacksmith who happened to run across the DVD with all this valuable information, and just had to share it with other smiths. At least he did that until a few of us questioned him on it, at which point he didn't even bother denying that he's the seller. When I suggested that folks could likely find all these books for free on the 'Net -- not that I have any problem with folks paying for convenience, if they prefer to do that -- he asserted that absolutely was NOT possible, and all but dared me to provide links to free sources. So I did -- to all of them. He hasn't made an appearance on that site since then. But as long as I have all those links, might as well share them with my friends at IFI as well. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. "Bonus": Scott, remember when Lawren told you that some of us frequent other boards? This is what he was talking about. Quote
ThomasPowers Posted May 6, 2011 Posted May 6, 2011 And to think that he would probably have been welcomed if he had been up front with this! Quote
David Einhorn Posted May 6, 2011 Posted May 6, 2011 I personally find the sellers of DVDs of blacksmithing books to be a concern. Many months back I noticed that a seller of DVDs on EBay included a book by Jim Hrisoulas on DVDs being sold. I notified Dr. Hrisoulas about the copyright infringement so that he could take action. Now I see that sellers of blacksmithing DVDs on EBay sometimes include "surprise" books on their DVDs. My humble guess is that including "surprise" books may in some cases be hiding infringement on authors' copyrights. If you purchase DVDs please check to see if you spot books by authors that are still alive, and notify the author of any infringements. If memory of what I read when applying for a copyright serves me correctly, then an author and his/her estate has a copyright good for on or about 70 years from the copyright date. Writing books on blacksmithing is not the way to get rich, and I would be surprised if many blacksmithing authors break even on their expenses, time and effort. There are not that many blacksmiths compared to readers of science fiction, and to my understanding, few smiths are in the habit of purchasing books on blacksmithing. If we are to continue to encourage smiths to write books, then being careful not to purchase bootlegged copies is very important. Quote
mtforge Posted May 7, 2011 Posted May 7, 2011 There are not that many blacksmiths compared to readers of science fiction, and to my understanding, few smiths are in the habit of purchasing books on blacksmithing. I must be one of the few. I have a large collection that I refer to frequently. Not just the reference books on old collections. the latest being Swedish Blacksmihting. I'm always looking for new ideas or ways to look at things. Quote
swiftden Posted May 7, 2011 Posted May 7, 2011 Matt thanks for all the links, How do i down load them to my computer to read later? Regards Allan I am new to blacksmithing so i do buy books . I have recently bought about a dozen of them. I prefer to read hard copies Quote
MattBower Posted May 7, 2011 Posted May 7, 2011 Well, on Google Books, at the top right corner of the book window you'll see a downward-pointing arrow next to the letters "PDF." Click that to get started. On there's a window off to the left called "View the book" that gives you about a half-dozen different formats. Just click PDF or B&W PDF, let it download, and save it. And by the way, all the books on that list do appear to be out of copyright. I give the guy that much credit, at least: he doesn't seem to be a pirate. Quote
ThomasPowers Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 I myself don't have all that many blacksmithing related books; they fit in 2 80" tall x 36" wide bookcases quite nicely! But I'm moving some of the more tangential ones out to make room for new purchases... Quote
David Einhorn Posted May 9, 2011 Posted May 9, 2011 I must be one of the few. I have a large collection that I refer to frequently. Not just the reference books on old collections. the latest being Swedish Blacksmithing. I'm always looking for new ideas or ways to look at things. We have bookshelves in every room except the kitchen and bathroom. Both my wife and myself are avid readers, and I have purchased a fair collection of blacksmithing books over the past 38 or so years as I can afford them. Periodically I take boxes of non-blacksmithing books to the used bookstore to make room for more books. Unfortunately more and more blacksmithing books that I would like to acquire seem to be in the $60 to $160 price range. I purchased Mark Aspery's books as "must haves" using Christmas gift cards despite their price. I deliberately printed my book in black and white and as a paperback to keep the price as affordable as possible. I have downloaded a bunch of the out-of-print books available on the Infernal-net. However, I have yet to look at or try to read any other than one or two on wheelwrighting, and those I printed out prior to reading. I have found the books newer in-print books to be more useful than the old books that seem to repeat the same basic stuff over and over again. ..... For that matter, I hope that more smiths author books specializing and providing in-depth information about narrower topics rather than adding to the abundance of beginner books. What I would like to see next to my book on Civil War Blacksmithing are books specializing on topics like, blacksmithing hand tools, jigs, anvil tools, fabricating large tools, gas forge design and construction, forging animal and human heads, etc., all as separate and painfully detailed separate books for each topic. Yes I know that most of this stuff can be found by searching the Infernal-net but I like to have books that I can relax and read as well as take into the shop as a reference.... so call me old and old-fashioned. ;-) I would also like to see various guilds go through their newsletters and collate and publish their how-to material as well organized books. Having the information in newsletters is nice, but finding what I need in over 24 years worth of newsletters from several clubs is not doable. Quote
Junksmith Posted January 18, 2012 Posted January 18, 2012 I am in the middle of "Steel Working and Tool Dressing". I am thoroughly enjoying it. I have found that many turn-of-the-century books on blacksmithing, while full of valuable info, are often repeating the same basics (shop, tools, starter projects). The author here though, Warren Casterlin, was a toolmaker with over 50 years of experience in the trade and made tools of such quality that he was frequently sent to industrial shops to train other smiths. He does a lot of focusing on chisels, punches, and carpentry knives, but despite his relatively narrow range of tool specialty, there is lots of good information on edge packing, heat treatment, and general practices that can be valuable to most of us. Plus, it's just a good read. He is less a professor and more a grumpy yet grandfatherly type who speaks to his readers one-on-one in a gruff, omnipotent manner - but with good humor. I imagine him really chewing out young hotshots who didn't think he was worth listening to. At least we have the option to put the book down for a while! I highly recommend this one. Quote
nuge Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 Thanks Joe! I started reading that book last night. The intro is really insightful. Great stuff. Quote
ThomasPowers Posted January 19, 2012 Posted January 19, 2012 Have you read: Mechanick Exercises, Or, the Doctrine of Handy-Works Applied to the Art of Smithing, Joinery, Carpentry, and Turning / By Joseph Moxon originally published in 1703 (looks like there is a new edition out in paperback!) Note that "turn of the century" can refer to quite a number of centuries including one just past a decade or so ago... Quote
DanBrassaw Posted February 24, 2012 Posted February 24, 2012 I don't know if anyone else has posted this info on this site, but on most of the old blacksmithing books I've looked at on Google Books, on the left side it says "Get this book in print" with a down arrow. If you click that, and then click "On Demand Books" it will take you to a site that lists sellers that own on-demand book printing machines, and most of them will ship, and the prices are pretty cheap (around 10 bucks for the few I've checked on). I haven't ordered any yet, so I can't vouch for the quality of the material or printed images, but I thought I'd throw this out there in case anyone was interested. I know I hate reading books on my computer screen. Quote
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