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I Forge Iron

New Website

Robert Mayo

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Thanks guys!

Ian most of the knives have my mark on the other side but i have no preference as to which side i mark them i depends on if i am feeling left or right B) .
I will be putting up my available page some time soon along with a miniature knife page.

Cheers Bob

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A good looking site! Very nice photos! I like the knives too and your sheaths are quite as nice as the knives. RE: your kitchen knives I think you need some chef style knives for your portfolio, those straight bladed choppers may be what you prefer but cooks all over the world have learned to use the French chef style effectively (I like it myself). Your style development is younger than you think but I can see that you are talented and enthused... you have done well, but your best is yet to come.

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Nice job - real attractive layout and easy to get around!

My only critique would be that I prefer to see product for sale as the "top of the list" navigation choices, the columns of descending pics with no details, leaves me wondering whether I'm looking at past work that's already sold or NFS.

Your work is beautiful and I've got your site bookmarked so as to refer it to others.

Thanks for sharing it!

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Your site development is a class act.
You ask for opinion, here is mine!
I would have nothing negative to say about anything I have seen, and only positive thoughts come to my mind.
Due "only to my liking", I always like to see inside of the shop that someone uses to create
there products.
I know that you said; " My shop has no fancy equipment just an anvil, propane forge,
drill press and a 12" reversible disc grinder that my blades are ground on.
Of course there are also many files and other hand tools needed to make my edged tools."

But that is the magic of it. To see what a craftsman uses to create something as nice as the knives
you create, even though it is simple! ~ I truly believe it adds value to your product at some level.

To see inside your humble shop may motovate others who are beginning, and also make some of us
that are blessed with large and well equipped shops to keep our feet on the ground and realize it it the
craftsman his self, and not just the tools that bring life into the steel.

This is just a suggestion and a though Only!
From what I can see, you do not have to take a back seat to anybody!
The very best to you!
Ted Throckmorton

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You do nice work and you are good at taking photographs . The thing that's a bit distracting is all the different backdrops, they seem to clutter the site. As a buyer i would rather see the work and only the work (against the same neutral background). Maybe look into building a lightbox.

Nice stuff.

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