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I Forge Iron

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Yes. Why I hang out in forums that are not picture based! There was one place I was a moderator where I had to give it up because folks started adding pictures to their signatures and having to wait a minute for EVERY post's picture to show up when they are just the same thing time and again was too painful

I really much prefer "I tried your idea and it worked" to a "Thank-you for posting" at least the first adds more data to the thread. Shoot even "I tried your idea and it didn't work" adds data.

Course I have to drive about 100 miles to see my Dr out here too. Our little town is un-incorporated and doesn't even have full T1 to the local switch! But it's still a lot better than a 300 baud acoustically coupled modem way back when...

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Thomas is in the minority as internet connections go. Having appropriately sized images does help everybody though. I am in the minority as displays go with a 10 inch netbook, and very large pictures annoy me, but because I have to scroll relentlessly to see the picture. One nice thing about how IFI handles images is by displaying thumbnails which are rather lightweight.

Thank you for your thoughts on the matter, and I welcome seeing more pictures, even if I have to scroll all over.


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I can't imagine going to a blacksmith meeting, asking a guy how to rebuild my LG, take it all in, then turn and walk away...........Does it really take that long download thanks ?

Dial-up vs broadband, kinda like trying to pick up a 2'x2'x'2 solid cube of lead vs the same size cube of aluminum.
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Maybe this will help... high-speed satellite internet

I Googled on "satellite Internet" and found lots of information for folks without land-line high speed connections. I hope it helps.


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We have an archaic system running on an archaic distro of Linux, it cost me $125 7 years ago and nothing since!---I spent the possible upgrade money on another powerhammer.

Note that we do not have cable TV or Broadcast TV access either.

No I am not a Luddite---I work days for a cutting edge astrophysical research organization in software integration and test. I choose to HIT HOT IRON/STEEL REPEATEDLY rather than to mess with computers on my time "off". Very therapeutic!

I do not expect people to cater to me; but to at least be aware that *everyone* isn't on broadband. (I had a dear friend that was blind and suffered greatly with changes to the internet that essentially cut off her means of participation.)

MacBruce; please reread what I actually wrote: you will notice that I said that telling me it didn't work added data and so that would be a good thing as data was what I wanted to see in a new post.

I too like the thumbnail system as it allows me to read the post without accessing the often large pictures.

When I write a reply I assume that I am writing to the world at large and many other people will read and hopefully profit from my posts, *that* is my reward.

I'm going home and hitting something other than a keyboard!

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Rewards? That ain't were I'm at, at all. I too like like posting info that benefits the general group. If someone wants more than what you offered, and it takes time and effort to do it a simple acknowledgment doesn't seem to be a big deal. I never dreamed this would be a problem for any of the online community.....But , I've never been much good at pleasing everyone......

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IForgeIron is only available in cyberspace LOL

When you reply to the last post, click reply (which will automatically include the post you reply to) then delete what is not needed. If I reply to macbruce, it is the last post we just finished reading so delete the entire quote.

If it is a post further back, say Thomas's post, delete everything except a reminder as to what you are referring to in that post. Makes reading a thread a lot faster.

people will read and hopefully profit from my posts, *that* is my reward.

Thank you Thomas for your posts and your knowledge.
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..... (I had a dear friend that was blind and suffered greatly with changes to the internet that essentially cut off her means of participation.)...

Sorry to hear about your friend’s challenges.
I googled on “Software for Visually Impaired”, here are a few sites found.

Blind and Visually Impaired Computer Access

Products for Low Vision, Blindness and Learning Disabilities

ScreenReader.net: freedom for blind and visually impaired people

Software Tool Helps Visually Impaired

There are web site(s) that web-site designers can use to check their sites for compatibility with assistance oriented software, if designers are willing to take the extra step. :-(
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have noticed a number of folks like to ask questions about threads that require lengthy explanation and pics. And after all that effort not one word. A simple thanks would be nice................mb

You can think of it like this.....They're too busy utilizing the knowledge they gained on this forum, and putting it to good use in the shop :-)
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