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I Forge Iron

Is this worth it?

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It looks fairly beat up. I'd like to get a closer look and check ring and rebound before I had to make a decision. It's a good brand, and assuming the face isn't delaminating and hasn't been through a fire, etc., I'm sure you could get lots of use out of it. I don't follow anvil prices enough to have a strong opinion about that one, but it basically depends how badly you need an anvil, versus how badly you need the $250.

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It's a HENRY Wright, Peter's brother. The fact it's stamped "ENGLAND" shows it was made on or after 1910. The "141" is in Lbs, as the highest the middle number in Cwt can go is 3. Not a bad anvil at that price. It's possible that it was intended for the American market and was marked in pounds for that reason.
Anyone out there with AinA that could check this one out?

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I'm going to go look at it after work today (yesterday wasn't an option as it was my wife's birthday, "Happy Birthday my dearest, I love you very much. By the way we are going to drive an hour one way and buy me an anvil for your birthday. That sounds like a good plan, right?"). If I decide to buy it I will post better pictures of it.

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Sprinkle dry sand on top of the plate. When you hammer on the anvil, if the weld holding the top plate to the rest of the anvil is broken anywhere, the sand will reveal it.

So the sand won't bounce around as much where the weld is broken? (Or maybe will bounce around more?)
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Here are some better images of the anvil, and a picture with my daughter in it for... scale, yeah that's it. Any recommendations for smoothing the edges/building them up/leaving the darn thing alone and just using it, are always welcome. Rebound on multiple points from 10 inches with a marble was 8.5-9 inches. it weighs 145 lbs. by our bathroom scale.


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It looks as good as the one I'm using. I might try to work the edges a little with a file or grinder if the chips bothered me.
When I got mine, the edges were badly chipped and had to be welded up some with hardfacing rod. I have radii on the edges, but they don't change from rounder to sharper in the traditional way. It took a while, but I finally have learned where to go to find the radius I want. It's just a quirk, but it's my quirk.

I'd say "Good score" and "Cute kid"!

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