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I Forge Iron

Forge Ladle

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Thanks Frosty. I formed it on the end of some heavy wall pipe with a rounding hammer.

Good improvisation using the pipe end for a die. I have an old swage block and use the through holes for the same purpose. Heck, that MIGHT actually be what they're for.:blink:

Frosty the Lucky.
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Good improvisation using the pipe end for a die. I have an old swage block and use the through holes for the same purpose. Heck, that MIGHT actually be what they're for.:blink:

Frosty the Lucky.

It was my friends tool he uses for candle dishes. I will be making my own this week. Need a ladle anyone? :)
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I'll just copy and paste what everyone else wrote! :lol: Great job!

I haven't gotten a chance to do anything like that yet although I do have a swage block with a ladle form. Did you do the pouring lip free hand, or on some sort of tool?

Thanks Fiery. I heated it with the gas plant and tweeked with some long round nose tongs.
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