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I Forge Iron

quinch tanks do thes look ok to use

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i am very new at this as in never got to use my forge yet new. but i am trying to get every thing ready for when i get it up and running. do you guys think that these will work well for quinch tanks they where old acetylene and oxygen tanks that i had laying around or do you think i need to cut them down lower. one will be oil and the other water also what is recommended for the oil and is the water just straight water or is there any thing that you can add to it to make it quinch better. i will be trying to make a little bit of every thing just to learn but will mostly be knifes for know.




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Looks tippy set up like that. You may want to improve the stability of the system. You will also find that you will either be quenching with water or oil, and rarely have times that both are being used in the same day, other than the slack tub. For your slack tub, make sure your booted foot will fit in...just in case. :P


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you oughta weld a piece of ibeam on the bottom of the 1 tube...funny thing your set up looks alot like mine....my tube only comes up to about my knee..dint think i would ever have something that long to quench. the quench can flare up so i would wanna be able to kinda be away from it when you thrust your hot steel into it...also make a metal lid so you can cover it when you quench...
there r diffeent quenches for different things...1 tube of oil is enuff..

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