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I Forge Iron

What's on Your Bench

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A customer asked me to copy his original brazier. The "box" is @ 6 1/2" square. The grills are mortise and tennon joints with the cross bars being froged down from 3/16" X 1/2" to about 5/32" X 3/8", as are the feet. The box corner supports and hadle support are forged from 1/4 X 3/4". Box and ash pan are 18 guage with punch air holes.

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Very nicely done as usual Jymm - I can smell meat cookin' already!

Nothing ground breaking here - I'm making more bases for cast glass salmon sculptures done by a local artist and a frame for her husband who does high-end cast glass tile work.

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That looks great! Its kinda like experimental if you ain't got the blueprints. You got to figure out how they've done it, and how you're gonna make it look as good as the original once did. I think you've succeeded on this one!

On my bench there is this latch, one of two, a guy ordered some while ago. I finished them yesterday and made some pictures. Its just put together on a piece of wood hangin around in my shop, but you'll get the picture...

all the best,

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Nice work Jymm, and good topic, Kinda like what's in your Ipod right now? Sometimes the everyday project can be just as interesting as the spectacular.

On the bench- kitchen cabinet, knobs and drawer hardware (clover motif). An ongoing project for the same client I did the clover gate and railing for. Three handle sizes 12", 14" and 16".

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Now Dan... if you would've said a six pack of brown pop & some day old pizza - I might've been interested....lol!!

Been working on campfire cookset & a couple of trammels...

The trammel here is much too big for this cookset... live 'n learn!

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I just finished 4 stainless steel strainers to skim dross off the top of liquid zinc. I am finishing a pouring cradle for a #200 crucible. I am also working on 6 foundry patterns for ripper shanks for graders panic rush because the foundry pattern storage burned down and these are replacements. As soon as that is done I have scraper blades to make, hooks and pipes to bend.

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Now Dan... if you would've said a six pack of brown pop & some day old pizza - I might've been interested....lol!!

Well Paul, that's on the bench, warm. Ick. -However- in the fridge next to the bench is a coupla 12 packs of Genesee Bock, some Labatt Blue longneckers, maybe a few cans of Bud Light and a partial 6 pack of Leinenkugel's Summer Wheat.
The Genny, 'Batts & Bud is fair game but you'll hafta arm wrassle me for a Leinie's! (Grrrrr...) Pretty good pizza shop right around the corner too.
Very nice looking camp set BTW!
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Nice articles!

David how do you attach your drawer pull (clover motif) to the drawer.

I'm using 3/8" tall threaded posts tig welded to the back. I have a jig that sets up uniform spacing. The cabinets and drawers will need to be counter drilled to accommodate the depth of the posts.

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As it stands, I'm spending more time recovering than making things. Before the latest episode I was developing a knack for making tongs. I've picked up lots of tongs over the years, it's just that most of them don't fit anything I plan on hitting. I did find a pair I started a couple years ago and had I finished them they'd be pretty useful. <grin>

This Wednesday, tomorrow I'd planned on getting together with Mark and making another set or two for practice sake. Unfortunately last Wednesday I had myself a seizure and am still kind of wobbly and off kilter. I'm thinking I'll take a lash at it tomorrow almost no matter how I feel as long as I'm not endangering anyone of course.

So, the things I have on the bench are rather limited. #1 is a bolster or is it a kiss block for making tongs and a couple types of tongs I want to add to the rack. I finished a pair of scroll pliers last week and had planned on making a couple short handled wolf jaw tongs for holding punches and chisels.

It ain't much but keeping my hand in I know. <Sigh>

Frosty the Lucky.

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