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I have wondered for some time how members are ranked? As junior, member, and senior member. I have not known were to ask this question or in what type of forum. Also where should one go to asked site operation questions in this new format? Thanks! HH

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It seems that you can change that field yourself by placing what you wish it to say in the "Member Title" in the "Profile Information" section of the forums "Profile". That field with the new software seems to be for a title or description of what is in your Avatar. An example can be seen under my Avatar. :D

How to change the title under your Avatar

Step 1. Click on your forum-name on the upper right hand corner of this screen.
Step 2. Scroll down and Click on "My Profile"
Step 3. Chick on “Edit My Profile” button near the upper right corner of the screen.
Step 4. Scroll down in the next screen to “Profile Information” heading on the screen.
Step 5. In the “Member Title ” box, type your New Title into this box.
Step 6. Scroll to the bottom of this screen and click on the box that says, “Save Changes”.

I hope this helps. If not let me know where I may need to elaborate.

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No; I've noticed that as the week goes on my patience is thinner with folks posting stuff they have no idea about to folks who obviously don't know enough to winnow the wheat from the chaff. What is it about the internet that folks who don't have a clue figure that it's a good idea to foist their ignorance off on others?

So I updated my ranking.

And *please* feel free to call me on anything I post; I'm happy to provide the cite or my experience in that area to let you make an informed decision!

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On another(WW hand tool)forum I post on they ask you to post what experience you draw from when you hand out advice.
The practice was started by a very experienced craftsman who`s last name is Addy.Now whenever someone suspects someone of speaking with no experience(had to think of a polite way to say that) they say "I`d like to invoke the Addy protocol".
We could do the same thing here only call it the "Powers protocol".

Mainely,Bob-30+ years banging iron and welding/fabbing in shipyards,yacht yards,bike shops,factories and plants only to come home and do it there too.

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Powers Proctocol?????

On a different forum they have given certain people a title indicating that they have some background in a specific area and list what area---so you could be quite knowledgeable about one aspect but folks will know which aspect and not think you must know everything!

Folks who stick around long enough generally can come to their own conclusion as to if someone knows beans about what they are posting about; but a lot of folk do drift through...


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I just love your choice of ranking upgrade.I`m dying to upgrade to "highly trained rust chaser" but I don`t have enough posts yet.
BTW-The post office was out of the small flat rate boxes so you were upgraded to the $8 and change one OK?I`m gonna have to line it with ply and then fill if I want it to stand a chance of making it to you.They allow up to 70 lbs don`t they?The postmaster general in the haba(harbor for you folks "from away")won`t tell me how much I`m allowed as he almost broke his truss when I shipped the last bunch of tools to my brother in Utah.
Love those flat rate boxes! :D

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