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You read it correctly! I just wanted to share with every one how to get the sweat/grime/soot off easier than any thing else I have come across. I lived in worked at a living history museum for 3 years. No running water or electricity. Ms. Becky the history expert told me I could clean up with baking soda and water, and rinse off with vinegar and water. A 1/4 cup of baking soda per gallon of water and a washcloth for the body. The rest was poured on the head and rubbed into the scalp. Then the process was repeated with apple cider vinegar (1/4 cup per gallon of water).

It managed to make my hair and skin stop making extra oil that soap removed and it cleared up a lot of little bumps I used to get on the backs of my arms during the summer.

Try it for a few days and tell the world.


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I'll give it a try, if it'll remove the grime that gets ground into my hands I'll give it a shot on the rest of me. Most cleaning chores around the house can be handled with either vinegar or soda so I don't doubt this'll work.

Of course I'm so sweet I'll probably neutralize the vinegar before it hits my hide. ;)


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I have found that a paste made of Borax and soft soap will clean ground in grimy hands very well, and don't dry the skin as bad as most of the orange based cleaners do.

As a kid, back in the stone-age, my father used to keep a container of powdered Boraxo Hand Cleaner (contained Borax) on the bathroom sink for heavy duty grimy hand cleaning. I wonder what happened to the powdered version, as it worked really well. :confused:
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As a kid, back in the stone-age, my father used to keep a container of powdered Boraxo Hand Cleaner (contained Borax) on the bathroom sink for heavy duty grimy hand cleaning. I wonder what happened to the powdered version, as it worked really well. :confused:

Great now I have the jingle in my head: "Lather up with borax-o, stay clean with borax-o..."
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As a kid, back in the stone-age, my father used to keep a container of powdered Boraxo Hand Cleaner (contained Borax) on the bathroom sink for heavy duty grimy hand cleaning. I wonder what happened to the powdered version, as it worked really well. :confused:

It is still available. I have seen it used in dispensers near the sinks at shops and various other places.

Here is a link....Heavy-duty Hand Soaps at Keysan
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It is still available. Here is a link....Heavy-duty Hand Soaps at Keysan

Oh boy, thank you. Now I just need to find the metal can with the little metal cap that it used to come in. Got to do it right! I may have seen the can at the antique place up the road. Hmmmm. I know I am getting older because I seem to be buying more stuff I am comfortable with at the antique malls. :D

.....I get it from my ACE hardware store; they order it at $7 a box

No ACE this town any more. :( I bet there is a little-known-law from the 1800s against transporting Boraxo across the MD/PA border, so it would probably be safer to head north to another town within our state to find an ACE store. :D
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