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I Forge Iron

Champion forge, Dual, downdraft exhaust

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I just ran into a unique (to me at least) forge. I had the opportunity to find an old gentleman that bought this forge from a trade school in Utah about 60 yr's ago.

It's a Champion forge with two fire pots back to back. They are are exhausted at the back, and have movable scoop hoods to adjust to the work and fire size. The exhaust is y'd together under ther base and has to be power vented out. The table is (my guess) 3ft by 5ft.

Does thus ring a bell with anyone? It's VERY COOL, and I want to offer a fair price for it. It would be absolutly perfect as I have two son's that want to learn. Any Idea's??

Thank you, Jim

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As you have deduced, this unit was made when blacksmiths were numerous and worked in large shops. Several manufacturers made back to back forges so two people could have a common exhaust and forge area with separate forging stations. Trade school makes all the sense in the world - price would be whatever you can agree on. Keep in mind that you could build a similar unit using separate pots and a common hearth for a few hundred plus your labor - Frosty's number sounds right.

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