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I Forge Iron

Finally moved into the new workshop

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After nearly 6 weeks of moving out of one workshop, finding another, clearing it of 20 years of junk, boarding it out getting it wired in and getting more equipment i have actually managed to do a whole weeks work!
The forge isn`t 100% there yet, still need to get my Hercules power hammer in, but other than that things are almost how i want it. Still finding places for some things to live, but i didn`t realise how much stuff i had collected!
Anyway the important things are in (the kettle) the fire, presses, so it is starting to feel familiar and homely!






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hey adrian it looks amazing! great sized space. i love the hammer/tongs trolleys ive seen some of you guys have got - might try and sort something like that myself:). might i have met you at peat oberons courses too?

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Great shop, layout and assortment of tools. ButI think you can do better with your layout table. lol:) I know it all takes time and can see your well on your way to the perfect shop. Yes they are right - "no shop is ever big enough. My shed floor, an extra 48 square metres is arranged to go in mid September then the brickwork straight after. Then there's the big job of laying out the tools to hopefully look as effective as your setup.

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It seems the layout table is causing heartache for some of you guys!! rest assured a more suitable layout table is on its way! It will be movable and be able to take apart when not in use as these things do tend to take up alot of room and create dead space around them.
So as space is at a premium (as it is in all workshops big or small) most of my equipment will be movable using industrial castor wheels. Even the flypress table will have wheels eventually.!:D

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:o How's Peat going to run the school without that building? It's nice to see you've got a good space Adrian. I was sorry not to have met you when I attended one of Peat's courses as I really like your work.

Peat is still running the courses at the musem in a rather smaller lean to building it will be a bit of a squeeze but i am sure things will be ok and the students will benefit fromhis teaching.
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I'm going to jump right on the hammer/tong cart bandwagon . . . that thing is great. I love also how you've got a lot of your stuff on wheels. I've seen that Mr. Hofi has a lot of things on wheels in his shop as well . . . it's such a great idea.

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