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I Forge Iron

He finally finished it!

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Well, Connor finally finished his miner's spike. He went on a school excursion to Bathurst a while ago to the gold diggings and saw one and wanted to make one. The rest is history.

The work is nearly all his, I helped in punching and drifting the holes (I even held the drift while he hit it, now that is trust or stupidity) and riveting the candle spike to the rest of the holder. the rest is his work.

Lots of work changing dimensions of stock, drawing tapers, punching and drifting, making the handle curve, etc.

Very proud of my 12 year old :)

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Well done that young man.
Now he will have to have his own hammer, tongs, anvil oh the list is endless.
I now have mental image of giant holes in your back yard and a young man putting his miners spike to good use.

Edited by Mick
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It's refreshing to see the youngster following the father up to and including "getting IT". IT being that the idea behind blacksmithing is being able to make anything you're good enough to.

I'm especially impressed that you're using inventive incentive like that. Hiding all the digging implements so he'll forge his own. WOW!

Good job Rob! Both of you.


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Great job Connor you have inspired me to make one myself and give to my mother to place in her garden which she adores and hopefully when she sticks it in the ground, she strikes gold, as she does live in Ballarat, Vic.

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