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I Forge Iron

reconditioning old tongs

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Hi everyone.
My partner and I have inherited a pile of old tongs. Nearly all of them are rusted stiff.
What is the best way or best penetrating lube to use to get them moving again? :confused:
I'm looking for effective but not over expensive (money's tight all around) and a material I can find in Ontario rather than having to pay for shipping to bring something in from the States.

I love old tools - especially FREE old tools :D

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You could always try heating the joint up and getting them moving that way. Otherwise, soaking in some good penetrating oil or I've heard of diesel or kerosene. Just don't use around any sparks or open flames. May not get them moving again but you could also do a search on here on electric rust removal using a battery charger and water with an elctrolyte of sorts. That would get the surface rust off and possibly some of the joint rust too.

Edited by easilyconfused
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DO NOT QUENCH THE TONGS FROM RED HOT. They may be medium carbon tongs and could break. I once modified a pair of tongs and without thinking quenched them, while using them with a link on the reins they snapped. When thy snapped they happened to catch one of my fingers between the reins. The finger burst on the end and I lost the nail.

I would heat the tongs up open and close them and just let them cool on the floor.

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