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I Forge Iron

Scott NC

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Scott NC

  1. That's just a piece of costume jewelry that came in a box at an auction. It could be made of copper easy enough. I like to try different combinations of things once in a while. I saw a sculpture once that had a set of false teeth. It was kind of comical looking, I'd like to try that sometime.
  2. Don Quixote hangs on my wall. I wish I had the original....
  3. From my favorite junk store today, I got a bolt and a Christmas song stuck in my head.
  4. Please take note. There is a serious respiratory problem that affects dogs. https://sheltermedicine.vetmed.ufl.edu/2023/11/27/mysterious-respiratory-disease/
  5. The words in those notes may have lit somebody elses fire that came after you. But I understand. I am supersticious too. About some things.
  6. Do you think those "artists" readily admit it?
  7. My prayers and best wishes are still with you. It's hard when you are going through things that only you feel. Scott
  8. I was referring to a locomotive not a shabby actor..... Notice the word "it". Happily, I don't rely on hallucinogenics or other things for my art. That would be a shame. I'm sure there are those who do. But, heres one we could call "Mr. Magic Mushroom Man".... Notice only one pupil seems dialated. I wonder what we can infer from that? I know a few Looney Tunes episodes that you may enjoy but may send them to you privately.
  9. Ummm..... I wasn't talking about magic mushrooms. . I'm a little bit slow and on a different page sometimes. Evidently. But I get it now......... If it were Alco Baldwin I would say 4-8-8-4.
  10. Thank's for sharing those inspiring stories. I believe helping others, sharing and engaging with people is a wonderful thing and creates goodwill, sometimes there aren't enough opportunities. I will look harder. I've lived in a lot of different places but that was years ago, and it does take time and effort to find one's place, get to know others and make new friends. I sure didn't mean to sound too negative in my previous comment, because the wheels are turning, just maybe not as fast as I would like..... That's a personal flaw of mine. Always in a hurry. Another is joining in with groups, and I'm a working on that one too. I think I will keep my eye out for new opportunities and apply myself more in the future, tho sometimes things just have to happen on their own. I am now going to hit submit and send this off into the spam stream and hope it doesn't get deleted....
  11. Those that you least suspect, are paying attention.
  12. I wonder if he's still on moderation. He sure changed his behavior and talked more civily then. I remember getting moderated for something I said about Sherlock Holmes. It lasted for weeks. I learned a few things that time.
  13. Fine looking friend. Tell us more about her. She looks intent.
  14. It's hard moving across country and getting used to a different way of living, talking, all the nuances. Food, tradition, music, things you wouldn't expect. You want to hold onto the old familiar, but people are people where ever you go. They accept you no matter how stubborn you are...
  15. Ahh. Mushrooms. I know of someone that ingested mushrooms that disagreed with him. In a wild fit he tried drinking hot bacon grease out of the pan. He wound up in the hospital. We used to hunt them every year but you have to know what you are doing. Baldwin is a locomotive, no?
  16. I hear it makes a hot flame. Piping it may be problematic.
  17. Peter O'Toole would have them running a gasser in short order...
  18. Your works are amazing and always fun to look at, Das. I would wish you luck today but don't think you need it...
  19. Can't edit. Primitive Art by Paul S. Wingert that is to say.
  20. A treasure trove of inspiration and ideas that lends itself well to repousse, decorative iron work, etc... I have Primitive Art, more geared toward sculpture but is poorly illustrated.
  21. Thanks Rojo! I think Magnum Opus is more of a description, but "Mushroom Induced Refrigerator Buddy" sounds like a pretty good name as it hasn't one, although I'm not 100% sure I know what it means....Sounds apt.
  22. Good luck, lol.... I have faith in you though! Maybe a creepy version of those fortune telling machines that you stick a nikle in, ignoring the "No" command, and it lies to you..... And then shocks you when you try pushing the money return button. Hahaha, I didn't see Marty Feldman until you mentioned it.... and I like the spring idea too, maybe some sprangs on the wrists so when holding six shooters they waver around, never knowing which way, or who they are going to shoot. Marshall Marty Magnum. Good advise, Das. I was being a bit melodramatic yesterday. My tools will go to my Grandkids, eventually. I may burry one and draw a treasure map so they have to work for it though.
  23. Thanks! I once made one so disagreeable I threw it in a ditch on the side of the gravel road. Then I started worrying and thinking about the farmer coming along mowing. I'm saving the magnesium (thermite) to send Frankenbucket off in style (video next Halloween). Now I won't be heard from again.
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