Yes, it's real wrought iron channel and nice heavy stuff. Salvaged from an 1880's building. Got to thinking about what it might be and cut off a test piece to fracture. has a lengthwise grain like wood. grinding into it, laminations are clearly visible. Only reason for trying TIG on it is that I had used some of it in a sculpture at an earlier time and needed to make some welds on small sections that I had forged down fairly thin. Didn't work! Slag in the material floated in the nice little TIG puddle, messy,then the weld always cracked upon cooling. I have a fair amount of this large channel and would like to use in other building projects and am looking at the best way to treat it as far as welding. Figured if anyone has much experience with best way to electric weld the stuff it will be someone on this forum. Something had stuck in my head about 7024 being the best flavor to use on it, but I don't quite recall- just want to use the right stuff. In my experience this stuff is also considerably weaker than steel channel, so I need to be careful what I do with it.