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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Ralph

  1. My take on this is why take a chance? You only get one run at life here on earth. Ralph
  2. Turns out the cancer she has is breast cancer and since she has been getting mammograms every 6 months this was caught early. So in all this there is a some good news. The next few weeks will be tests to see if any other locatiions are 'hot' Ralph & Dawn
  3. Paul, If I might comment about the 2nd place you demo. Make some rope stantions and place them so you have working space. I volunteer at a National Historic site and we have it set up so that we have the stantions with rope barriers just to keep our visitors back ( in our case 10 feet back, but our shop is about 25 X 35 with 4 forges 2 each end )
  4. Got it! Tumors in the brain are no fun. I know as I have several. But it is especially hard due to your age. Kids should not have to deal with this stuff. But in the real world this does happen. Hang tough and just know you do have our prayers. And if you feel the need to vent or talk email me. Ralph
  5. Well Dawn had surgery last week ( Weds) to remove a lump in her arm pit. Same place as I had my lump. Initial biopsy was not clear but samples were sent to two other pathologist to see what was what. We saw the surgeon today and he said that the results were still pending but he could say that there was some sort of cancer in the lymph node that was removed from Dawn. What kind is just not clear as of yet. Once we know more I will let yall know. Ralph
  6. Not really sure, but from looking at them they seem to work much like old Coleman lanterns and stoves. You pressuize the fuel and use it. I have also been told that they ARE time bombs. I know I have had my Coleman stove flare up ( not really an explosion but it was good enough for me) Ralph
  7. JBW, A freind of mine in Idaho, has had to build two shops in the last few years. ( first was his first shop building and the 2nd was due to mioving to a larger property.) But in either case he did about as you said except he had his 'plug holes' put in as the floor was poured. So it should work. He even forged and welded to gether some nice caps for each. Ralph 8)
  8. Dawn had a lump removed form her right arm pit area yesterday. Doc siad he does not think is is a cancer but just a lymph gland gone bad and hemmoriged We should know the prelim path report maybe tomorrow. Currently at home and doing pretty well. As I know what she needs for care because I had almost the same surgery last year ( with worse results) I know what she was in for in terms of pain and moblity issues. We will take it day by day. I only have 10 more whole brain zaps left till I am done with this current treatment cycle.. Day by Day. With strenght in and from GOD. Ralph & Dawn
  9. Richard, my guess would be light at a different angle or perhaps brighter than your? Hmmm, silly me. I bet he just lightened up the pics you sent in. Ralph
  10. A most fun site. Thnaks for sharing it. Ralph 8)
  11. Well I had my 1st of 14 whole brain rad treatments Monday morning. I can say except for the hair falling out ( a bit soon I think) all the side effects they said were right on. Throwing up. Being sleepy all the time etc. But things could be worse. I am at least able to be home after the treatments. 8)
  12. Got them. Hope things work out well for them.
  13. Sorry to hear about their bad roller coaster ride. Will be up at the church tonight doing my usual Sunday night/ Monday Morning prayers.
  14. Jim, Thanks. I thought I had read that in one of your other posts or books, but was too lazy to look. Have you tried a Hi-Phosphate refractory? I ask as a buddy of mine has been using it for round 6 or so years with good survivablity to flux. But not something as agressive as your, to be sure. But seeing as how you have a working solution currently. And why change horses in the middle of the race too.....
  15. Jim, nice walk thru. I am assuming that your slux does contain some flourspar, due to teh SS? Ralph 8)
  16. azmike, Good attitude. Forge-welding is not the end all and be all for smithing. Making a smooth flowing project that makes folks go "Hmmmm, how did he /she do that?" is tho. With that said, I always tell folks how come to me for help with forge welding, to attempt AT LEAST one weld everytime you have a forge lit. Remember if you do not practise you will NEVER get better. Also do not be afraid to question convintional wisdom. Generally in a craft as old as ours the conventional wisdom is there for a good reason, but occasionally some bits of old knowledge are lost thru the ages, and it takes a new person to find it again. BUt also do not discount all the old ideas either..... 8) Good luck. And keep striving for your idea of perfection. After all you are in reality only competeing with yourself. Ralph 8)
  17. Jim, Please do not go away. and from me please post info that you feel is pertainint. I know I always learn something. Over the years I have seen too many talented folks driven off by one or two idiots who do know know talent when it is speaking to them. As for those with the thin skin it seems to me they will be gone in short time as it takes a tough hide to get in and start forging. I know it took a fair number of forging sessions before I really learned how not to burn myself every time. 8) Ralph
  18. Place all newly forges pieces in an oven to ensure complete dryness. Then place in some container and pressurize with an inert gas, argon, Nitrogen or some such. Even then I would not be hopefull about stopping rust. Remeber iron's natural progression is rust to dust........ Ralph 8)
  19. Joelon, First I would say get a piece of steel/iron and then melt some wax onto it. A fairly even thickness if possible. Then use a pointed stick to make the test pattern ( preferably a copy of the final pattern) make sure stick is sharp. Mebbe even have one end like a pencil and the other sorta like a knife blade to help shape and define the edges. You could use an exacto knife but this will most likely scratch the metal. Once you have the pattern placed then place a bit of etchant ( some acid) on the metal exposed in the wax. then wait. How long not sure it depends on ambient temp and acid as well as steel. This is why you do a test first. Once you think enough time has passed rinse in clean pure water and look at the etched metal. If it is dark enough then remove wax and give the piece a bath in baking soda to neutralize the acid. Now this is a rough and ready means. I am sure that the BP Glenn has sent you is more refined, but this will give you a basic start point. Good luck and take pictures as the rest of us are intriqued. Well at least I am. Ralph 8)
  20. Based on all the things happening in our little smithing family, it looks like a tough year again. Speaking of which Dawn ( my dear wife) has a swelling under her right arm/arm pit area. Almost in the smae place I had one last year. Thurs we go see the surgeon to talk it over and see when he will go in to remove it. So right now it is too soon to really worry, but not too son to see about a prayer or three. Once I know more I will post. And for all of yall out there in need of prayers, I will be doing a blanket prayer, and for those I know about specific prayers will be going up as well. Thanks and God Bless
  21. Wayne, all I can say is Dawn and my prayers are with yall. Hope that they can find a treatment that will be effective.
  22. David, I do not know the answer to your specific question. But I want to caution you that just because one blower has certain parts does not mean the 2nd one will have the same setup or parts. Often times much of this gear had in house made parts and even in the same year of manufacture the smae model of blower might have differetn sized bearing etc. So just a word of caution..... Ralph 8)
  23. This is a good question. I am married. Have been married to the same good woman for almost 25 short years( Anniversary is July) Have two grown kids. One is in law school and my youngest is in the USMC. Currently both are at home. But our son will be going back to his home base Hawaii in mid April. My wife Dawn is attempting to start a biz from the home. I have been interested in smithing for more years than I care to remember. But I finally got off the bench and started as a volunteer smith at Fort Vancouver NHS about 13 years ago. I have collected equip and stuff since then. One day I may actually get a real shop with a real roof and walls instead of a tarp. I am also involved with a blackpowder cannon program at the Fort. As well as riding my Harley ( when weather and my health permit) Was in the Navy for 8 years in NUC Pwr and was on submarines. Used to work for a Mickey Mouse corporation ( WOrked for Walt Disney World) Also worked at KSC ( Kennedy SPace Center ) Then moved to Oregon to work for INTeL Corp. But I am currently on long term Medical leave.
  24. Welcome to the fun Mike. Feel free to ask questions, or offer your thoughts on stuff. We are all in various stages of knowledge here and good ideas come form all levels of experience. Ralph 8)
  25. Pins and all. I use old unfluxed welding or brazing rod. I countersink the holes so that when I peen the pins they can hold something and still be flush. As for epoxy. It is more than a glue. It also keeps water out. Which is very important. Ralph
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