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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Du7ch

  1. Yes it is! I'm fortunate enough to be learning under Thomas Powers right now. There are a few scattered smiths in my hometown area that I may try to link up with though.
  2. Went through the local flea markets today... for a total of $14, these guys came home with me. Not horrible I think.
  3. Sitting at work today, browsing the forums, I had a quiet Lil thought creep up as to the blacksmiths who travel during the holidays... Where is everyone going, and who is willing to meet with others in that area as a networking/cross training scenario? I, for one, will be going to Southwest Idaho and have no issues meeting up with others.
  4. Unfortunately the army doesn't allow the growth of a beard. Upon retirement I will be resembling a viking with full beard and long hair.
  5. At this point... a proper stand, forge table, and workbench. Due to financial restraints I'm working with a makeshift anvil anchored in the ground and a brake drum forge also in the ground. Feels like I'm doing more work than necessary just to get the basics down.
  6. Learned the hard way about the importance of an anvil stand. I'm fairly impatient and have placed my set up on the ground to get used to my forge, my makeshift anvil(s) and working the metal as I'm very new to forging. Working on a knee gives me an appreciation of a proper set up. My impatience may ring through and force my hand in building a better set up, albeit a set up unlike the one I have plans to eventually build with the help of my welder buddies. I miss working at proper height as I was taught.
  7. No doubt! Are you getting enough done up there at home?
  8. I love all of the openers you guys posted! I have an idea I'm going to attempt soon as a gift for the mother in law... she's a big fan of owls so I'm thinking an owl shaped bottle opener with a spiral corkscrew on the bottom as she's a wine-o and my father in law is a big beer drinker. Hopefully will have them designed and attempted in the next few weeks.
  9. I've definitely been looking into building one myself. My teacher had a kaowool lined propane forge that he taught me on and I have a basic brake drum forge that leaves me black from handling the lump charcoal. I enjoy the old school feeling of charcoal but I'm thinking a venturi burner or two in a cylinder lined with kaowool would be better for my applications.
  10. Very nice! My first 2 items were an s hook and a chili pepper ornament. Definitely got me "hooked."
  11. Thomas, I'll be heading to Idaho toward the end of December for the holidays and hope to actually lay eyes on. I also intend to use TPAAT while in my home area. I have your number, I may just call you directly should I find anything worth while.
  12. Sorry, the picture wouldn't upload.
  13. I have ideas for my brake drum forge however I haven't been able to fabricate the stand I want. I lost patience today and wound up making a temporary in ground forge. It did OK, but I'm excited to have a stand for the forge as well as an anvil stand.
  14. Gentlemen! Browsing through wares back in my home area in preparation for my visit back next month, I've stumbled upon a post vise for sale. A few things caught my eye on this. The price in my opinion is slightly high at $145, however I have barely stepped down the path of blacksmithing and therefore haven't the experience on knowledge on the pricing. I see the crack in the post but feel that it would possibly be worth the effort, as I've seen worse repaired fairly easily. I notice a lack of a spring, which isn't horrible as I know someone who could help fabricate one fairly easily. BUT I'm not entirely sure this vise is supposed to have the spring. I'm attaching the few pictures I have and will be sitting by waiting for the advice and 2 cents from those more knowledgeable.
  15. How did the Pecan react and hold up? Here in West Texas, Pecan is very common but seen mostly as firewood.
  16. As far as anvil stands go along with the situating of said anvil... I have 2 make shift anvils at this time, one is an approximately 18" section of rail that isa work in progress based on Alexander G. Weygers' design in "The Complete Modern Blacksmith" and the other is a solid chunk of steel approximately 50 lbs with the dimensions of roughly 3" x 8" x 8". Firstly, I am attempting a London style anvil pattern with the section of rail... definitely easier said than done. Second, the chunk of steel. Trying to figure out a design in which I am able to have it either stand up or lie flat as the situation dictates. A grand idea given to me by the same man I acquired the steel from. My main question for the masses among my rambling is the method of quieting the anvil. The steel block is relatively quiet by itself however the rail has a VERY distinctive ring. I live in a residential neighborhood and would like to not create a nuisance. The question: what materials and methods have you gentlemen used to quiet a loud anvil on the cheap while retaining maximum rebound?
  17. Hopefully I'll make it back over tomorrow. Depending on whether my buddy and I can throw together a few stands I need, I may be $25 more poor and wealthier by a good anvil stand... the yard has several of equal dimensions and appearance
  18. Unfortunately I forgot my phone while I was in the yard. I'll have to go back in a day or two.
  19. Well gentlemen, I found what I think would be a perfect anvil stand at a wrecking yard today. $25. Still holding out on hopefully finding something for less or free but hardwood is scarce here and I am losing hope.
  20. I just started making my first rail anvil. So far so good, with the limited tools I possess. I'll post pictures when complete.
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