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I Forge Iron

Sam Salvati

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Everything posted by Sam Salvati

  1. Doc I would hope the class fills. I am embarrassed by the lack of response, so many questions on here about newbs looking for teachers, but I guess they are really just looking for a free ride. Shame no one is not taking advantage of this......
  2. Brian will be coming up to Peter's Valley Craft Center in Beautiful Northern NJ!!!!!!!!! Yet it's unbelievable the class is not filled yet!!! For those that saw Brian at the Northeast Blacksmiths Association, or EVEN BETTER for those that missed it, now's your chance to get hands dirty and have the unique opportunity to learn with the man himself! There are plenty of spots left. It boggles my mind that the class was not filled months ago when the announcement was made he would be teaching!!!!! If you are on the fence now is your opportunity to take your work and skill to the next level. Here is the info: https://www.pvcrafts.org/online_store/index.php?_a=viewProd&productId=218 https://www.pvcrafts.org/online_store/index.php?_a=viewProd&productId=217 It'll be a downright shame if no one in the Northeast takes advantage of this, low on dough? there is work study available, NO EXCUSE !~
  3. Very interesting Ed, nice work.
  4. Worth the time? Silly if you have to ask that even :D
  5. Hari Sasu, or needle stab in Japanese lol. Aldo's 1095, hamon, green paracord wrap, poor man's parkerizing.
  6. Yeah yeah good idea, a useful tool!
  7. Gripping inside of pipe? Neato Bruce thanks.
  8. Has anyone thought about dies with a hole in them? Thinking about a homebuilt powerhammer again, and got to thinking about drilling a hole down into the anvil block, with a L hole off the side (for scale and such to fall out), it wouldn't interfere with regular dies in the hammer, but then you could also switch out for a die with a hardy hole in it that would line up with the hole, and allow you to upset/head over different things that are long.
  9. Nice little Olly hammer he has there too.
  10. Thanks Chad! Thanks very much Randy! That is a nice cart, I just got a wheely cabinet i'll add to. Your clay idea is great! I would have liked to have done a bit more work on them to get closer to the shapes I wanted and that would have been ideal.
  11. Forged these up from some 1/2 1045 I got from my buddy Aldo the NJ Steel Baron, it's pretty good stuff and he's got lots of it. I like 1045, water quench and temper-color temper and it's great. They work cold or hot.
  12. There's an easy solution to this problem, your good friend Sam
  13. What a gorgeous hammer, bless you guys for working on getting it running properly.
  14. Thanks EVERYONE! I should have clarified it is for a friend's Tom Clark Hofi style hammer, I was just trying to gather some info for him, he is very distraught his favorite hammer is out of commission thanks again everyone for your kind offers, I know where to go if my hofi handle breaks!
  15. http://www.twinoaksforge.com/BLADSMITHING/BOX%20BELLOWS.HTM Check that out Yeah Aldo is a knifemaker and the steel baron, and an all around great guy. Don't worry about wasting my time, I can teach you all that stuff in a day or atleast get you headed in the right direction. PM your phone or email and I will give you a heads up next time Aldo's having a shindig.
  16. Does anyone know a source for a replacement handle for a Tom Clark or Hofi hammer? Or the wood that Tom used for the handles?
  17. The "glory stomper" is my buddy Mace's hammer he made, it doesn't get used for everything but what it does get used for it does a heck of a job Thanks Frosty!
  18. Robert, you definately have to make it to Aldo's! A great time! Thank you very much, I'll show you a few tricks when we meet. Ecart, thanks! it's about 14" overall, 7" blade 7" socket or thereabouts. Look back on the first page I have some in process photos they are not too hard, rolling the socket is probably the hardest part.
  19. Interesting, I think you forgot to mention you have to go to the youtube channel to watch the other 32 being worked on.
  20. I'd recommend hard castable, that forge will last forever! Nice work Mr DCL :D
  21. Big thanks to my friend Mace for having me up there to teach, and taking the photos.
  22. A couple of hammers....Sams hammer on the right...one I did on the left. Some of these hammers were used to make the new hammers! Happy new hammer owner!!! Happy group of Blacksmiths with the hammers they made!!! Newly forged hammers.... HAMMERS!!!!!!...and the tools to make them!
  23. Now the work really starts! Holes need to be punched and drifted in this 1 1/2" round 1045(from the NJ steel Baron...of course) Hit it while its hot! HIT IT!!! HARDER!!!!!!! Getting there... Starting to look like a hammer! What good would this thread be without BACON!!!! (Bacon bandaid!)
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