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I Forge Iron

David Browne

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Everything posted by David Browne

  1. Hey, you really weren't kidding. Looks like one of my custom installs...If it doesn't fit, no problem. Nothing that a bigger hammer won't remedy!
  2. Customers that pay are my favorite (second only to customers that pay AND let you do what you want). Sounds like you found the latter variety. -DB
  3. Ahhh, there you are YD with the bad reputation... Welcome back! I now see why you've been missing. Great project, really nice integration of materials. Exceptional execution. Bravo! -DB
  4. Beautiful work Rich. Colors are fantastic.
  5. Sheesh, I got nothing, I fold...you win. Wow, talk about doing your part to hold down the earth...impressive. -DB
  6. I got a note from Rome Hutchings (ABANA President) last week. ABANA is moving forward with a plan to offer group liability insurance for it's professional members. If they are able to provide competitive pricing, this is fantastic news.
  7. Thinus, I'm using 3/8" tall threaded posts tig welded to the back. I have a jig that sets up uniform spacing. The cabinets and drawers will need to be counter drilled to accommodate the depth of the posts.
  8. Frosty, Great to hear your doing well and back at home. I'm very sorry about the loss of your trusty companion. All the best to you and Deb. -DB
  9. Nice work Jymm, and good topic, Kinda like what's in your Ipod right now? Sometimes the everyday project can be just as interesting as the spectacular. On the bench- kitchen cabinet, knobs and drawer hardware (clover motif). An ongoing project for the same client I did the clover gate and railing for. Three handle sizes 12", 14" and 16". -DB
  10. Larry, Look at you, getting all organic and stuff...I like it! I can't wait for my next vine'ish/branch-ee thingy project, so I can try doin' it Dillon style as well. Nice job man. -DB
  11. Her name is Cal Lane. website: http://www.callane.com/ Iron lace with a torch and a lot of patience.
  12. Mike, Really terrific work. Good luck with the selection process. I'm hard pressed to pick a favorite between the two pieces. The wing has a subtle elegance. You did a really nice job with the form here. I'm looking forward to seeing it standing up and patinated (remember to wash your hands after you apply the pee-tina).
  13. Really nice work Nuge. I love the round detail in the transom. There's a lot of steel in that door... I bet you got tired of flipping it by yourself while you were building it. ;-) -DB
  14. Mike, Count me as part of the group that really wants to see more of these pieces. Great stuff!
  15. Iron Clad, those glasses look to be absolutely worthless (and not cool at all). Mail them to me so I can properly dispose of them for you.
  16. I have used Warren Olney in Grant's Pass, Oregon for custom brooms on my handles. He has been courteous, fast and will customize to meet your needs. My clients have all loved his brooms. As I recall, he charges about $50 to weave a broom on your handle. You will have to create a small flat with a hole in it on the end of your handle for him to attach to. He has instructions and info on his website at: http://www.broomshop.com/ DB
  17. More 100# compact rubber. A bit different than yours, straight sided cylinders instead of barrels. BTW, I PM'd Bruce regarding rubber specs. I'll let you know if i hear anything... -DB
  18. Jason, I had the same experience with Cortland early on when I first got my hammer. Thanks for the info on Jeff. Do you remember what you paid for the new set of compact cushions, and how did you come up with a durometer number to approximate the old rubbers?
  19. If it makes you feel any better Larry, It's been on my watch list since yesterday... -DB
  20. Fe, the item in question is just a knotted wire cup wheel that is worn down pretty far and needs to be replaced. I use these a lot, but have a healthy respect for them. They will take some skin with them if they get away from you. -DB
  21. Bader BIII, 1.5 hp, variable speed. Have been looking to upgrade for a while now and could never decide on a bader or a kmg. This one followed me home for less than half the cost of a new one. Gotta say, there is no comparison to the 6 year old grizzly knife grinder model I was using before. The tracking is awesome even when coming in at an angle. Variable speed is really nice to have. It came with the standard 8" serrated wheel. I added the work rest and I'm thinking about a platen assembly...(BTW, the grizzly is already sold). -DB
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