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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by archiphile

  1. Wife does not use a blow dryer (bd) on her hair, and she is jewish.(not like you knew that) I went out to the thrift shop and purchased 2 bds for real cheap. Thanks Best, Archiphile
  2. Just wanted to say happy Thanksgiving to all, may your birds be excellent. Now get out there and do the dishes!!! Best, Archiphile
  3. I am working on a new pair of tongs. This is the first half of said tongs I only had about five minutes to do anything in the new toy, but, I punched this out in that time. It is a start.
  4. As to the leaves and wood ) They are wet, as it rained all day and night before. ) This is a temp location.I will be moving into the garage as soon as the power is installed and I clean it out. As to the blow dryer blower, I am scrounging for an ex-dryer so that I can have a proper blower. I can not afford a new blower so this will have to do in the mean time. I think that it will work for now and I have planned only to have this on a temporary basis. Thank you for all of the replies and kind words about the welds.
  5. Just thought that I would share this moment with all of you. This is my first forge and first fire all in one day... I feel full of win. The firepot is out of 3/8" diamond plate scrape. I purchased the pipe, and the frame of the forge is from 2" sqr tube that was left over from our barn doors. Welds are rough but they will hold. My welder is a little under powered and I am rusty. I still have to put some plate on the top all I have to do is cut it to fit. Let me know what y'all think. Best, Archiphile
  6. Here is my suggestion: Last July I purchased a Lincoln 180c. I got the bottle and two boxes of wire for $800. That was with the welder being on sale for $700. I then went down to the local electrical supply house and I picked up a length of 6/2 cable,a 50 amp CB and a plug and box. I carefully installed the CB and wired up the plug. All that took me less that an hour. I have been using this welder almost non stop. I built our barn doors with it,and I currently using it to build my new forge. I would not get a 110v because I find that that they are just under-powered. The 180c is not a tapped machine. I have the ability to infinately adjust the wire feed speed and current. I refuse to have the restrictions that a tapped machine puts on me.I have been welding now for over ten years as a professional, and i have never liked tapped machines. This is what I would suggest that you get. If you have any other questions about this machine I would be glad to answer that just send me a pm Best, Archiphile P.S. The pictures are of me fabbing up the barn doors and then us taking them off the truck after powder coating.
  7. Chris, In my ten years as a certified professional welder I have enjoyed a good career. I went to school and all that. I say go for it. I would also suggest that you also that you get some machining experiance as well. Both will serve you well and you will be a more valuable. CHECK YOU PM
  8. I forgot to move the decimal point,(should not try to do math and drive at the same time) I re calculated and I paid .09 cents/lb. That is a whole lot better than .90 sheesh. Thank you for all of your replies Best, Archiphile
  9. I felt like I needed a little vaseline when I drove outta there today. On the other had I picked up about 12' of Wrought Iron chain today and a few brake drums. The leaf springs where a good score as well. MMM knives and chisels here we come,but first I am going to build meself a forge. All I have left to pick up is some 2" pipe and I am in business.
  10. I am tired and a little ticked off at what I paid for 1220 pound of steel. (.90 cents a pound) But I have some great stuff. That is not an exorbitant is it?
  11. That was my point. Do not try and sell me stuff that I do not need or can make myself.
  12. When I was working in shipyards welding up aluminium Boats I took a look at the particulate matter in the air and wondered what I could do to decrease the amount that I inhailed....I talked to my lws and they showed me this at the time of purchase in 2000 that cost me $1300. I know it is expensive but it was the best weeks pay I ever spent. They are now $1600 at Airgas, I would look on ebay and see what you find More info HEPA Respirator Systems Also check your pm Best Archiphile copyrighted photo removed and a link placed into the text
  13. I was just sitting here and thinking about how to make more tong to fit and BTW these fit the stock that I plan to use for my next pair already. That is why I made them. I hate VG but that is what I had and it they have served there purpose.
  14. I made these because I saw no reason to pay for something that I could make. When I bought my anvil, the guy was trying to sell me all sorts of crud. I politely told him that I could make a pair of tongs, he said, (quite correctly) that you need a pair to make a pair. I told him that that was what god invented vise grips for and that I did not want to purchase them, thank you. Best, Archiphile
  15. So, I got some forge time in, and I finished my first set of tongs. I think that they turned out great, and it will be a lot easier to make more in the future. Let me know whatcha all think.
  16. As a Horse person, I am doubtful that it is Hobbles, due to the close coupled nature of the article in question. It is also doubtful that it was used to keep the traces from tangling due to the large size. I am still not really certain of the use of the article though. Other that really cool and now I want to make a pair.
  17. Thanks for the words of encouragement. I will get these guys put together later on today and see how to proceed from there. best, Archiphile
  18. This is my first pair of tongs. I would like to thank Irnsrgn for the bp. Just thought that I would ask How I could improve these.Thanks Best, Archiphile
  19. I was wondering if any of y'all has any experiance with coal from aubuchon hardware. Is it any good, how does it coke up? Thank you. Best, Archiphile
  20. So I took the hoof pick out this morning to test it on my to horses. One is shod the other is barefoot. On both of my horses this style of pick allowed me to have more leverage. The point of the pick itself, I feel, as a horse owner and daily user, that this pick works well for me. I like that the point is a little blunted. I noticed that this pick allowed me to scrape under the inside rim of the shoe to remove the crud. I will also take all of the suggestion in to account,because I plan on selling this item to a local tack shop up the road from me. I do have a smith made pick in my grooming bucket, Love it and it does have a chiseled point. It works great. and will continue to use it as well. What I am trying to say is that I think that both of these picks works really well for me. I will most make each and see what sells. Thank you all for your crits and suggestions. Best, Archiphile
  21. These are my second and third pieces respectivly Item 1: a Hoof Pick for my wife; Item 2: A leaf Drawer Pull; Critique Please Best: Archiphile
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