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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by triw

  1. I don't have an xmas list. But new tongs and a guilotine fuller and spring fuller and a new hammer are on my list of things to do before xmas. One no smithing item on my list is to finish this sweater that I am knitting for my grandfather and I am making socks for myself to and a knit hat.

    Do you have the plans for a good guilotine, I want to make one but not sure of plans (I have a habit of overdoing a simple project) Thanks William
  2. Morning All, I have had a few member interested in how I make my caged marble pendent, so I've put the how - to in my gallery (Pawnee1) for all to have fun with. It is better to cage your marbles before you lose them.


    I went to your gallery and did not see the how to. I saw two pictures of the pendents. What am I missing??
  3. Several months ago Ed Caffrey did a teaching (not sure if it was a blue print or not) on ball point pens he make form damascus turned on a lathe. I was looking for the pictures but I can not find the link where he told how he made them. Can anyone help me? Thanks William

  4. One thing I learned from my teacher is when the out side is to temp you clap it in a vice and let the inside of the billet come up in temp then back into the forge to welding temp. Also hit the billet in over lapping hammer blows and do not hit when it loses its color, hitting it cold will break the welds

  5. Jimmy I am glad to hear the good news and that the prayers helped. He will most likely need support as his diet changes and othe things need to be done so will pray for you and the rest of the family to have the wisdom to give him that support.

  6. I had a friend get mercury poisoning while in Afirca and he was one sick dude for a long time and the detox he had to go through was not pleasent he still suffers after several years of being "cured" Do not mess with it follow what these guys say and despose of it correctly

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