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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by triw

  1. My self, I'd pick up some other silverfor rings. That's a real pretty piece and it's a shame to melt it down.

    I agree with Finnr don't melt this heart down it is a very nice piece. Get some silver and melt that down for a ring. I don't know how old the heart is but it looks well made. I think you will end up regretting melting it down.
  2. I dont live in GA but I know I was told the same thing about the rail line that goes by here by one of the yard supervisors. Then he whispered "I have to tell you that." Then he gave me some springs and spikes. I took him a small knife I made from a spike and he let me walk around the yard a pick up some scrap.

  3. A couple cold packs for more sanitary treatment of burns. Burns infect much more easily than most skin penetrating wounds so a soak in the slack tub can result in infection. Some guys keep a little bleach in their slack tubs but I don't like it's corrosion promoting characteristics and it evaporates pretty quickly too.

    Hey guys if you have a small frig in your shop or one close by keep several packages of frozen peas on hand. Cold packs are nice but you can mold a bag of frozen peas to fit around a wrist or other areas that get burned. Also works for sore muscles etc. And they are not that expensive either.
  4. I was into campfire cooking and saw a set of camp fire tools made out of iron. When I asked about them you would have though they were made of gold by what the guy wanted. (He did not make them he was selling the stuff)
    Some one told me of a blacksmith near me and I went to visit him. He did not do custom work but he let me hang out at his shop and watch. He was making things to sell at a craft show coming up. He let me hammer on some steel and I made a crude hoof pick for my wife. I tried to work out some classes with the first smith but he was relucdent so I found out about Frank Turley blacksmithing three week class. I took his class in 2001.
    I have a small adobe shop and have been doing different things from time to time. I also made the campfire tripod and tools. I tried to do craft shows but found out I don't like to do production work (did to much of that in the pastry kitchen)
    My first big piece was a saddle rack for a friend of mine where I twisted 3/8 inch rod into rope and the front is a lasso with the coils being where the saddle sits. I traded that for a new roof om my shop.
    I watched Ray Rybar do a knife making demo a few years ago and then took a class from him. And started to make knives traded a few and sold a few but nothen big I am still learning.

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