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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by triw

  1. Hey Draper: I did a good one a while back. I was putting the curl in the steam of a leaf I forged when someone came into the shop and started to ask a question. Now I know better than leave hot metal on top of my anvil but thinking it would take a second to answer his question. One thing led to another and with out thinking I leaned on the anvil and sported a nice leaf and curled stem blister on the palm of my right hand for a while. Needless to say I quit hammering for the day cause of the blisters. So one more lesson that I hope someone else can learn from.

  2. I read that Teachingclay was given some elevator cable.

    "I got ahold of a bunch ,75 feet or so, of elevator cable tonight. Most of it is cut into short lengths to be trimmed to the desired piece later. Turns out its not solid, according to my friend the elevator repairman, none of it is. It has a jute rope core, which would leave a 1/4 hollow in the center."

    My understand is: that mild steel is the core of a Japanese samauri sword. When it is quenced the mild steel srinks differently from the high carbon steel and causes it to curve.

    My question is if you took the rope out and replaced it with a 1/4" mild steel rod then forged this into a knife blade how do you think it would react when quenched? Would there be enough mild steel to make a difference?
    Any ideas?

    Thanks for letting me pick your brains. William

  3. Coltpax if I might make a suggestion. Take some steel you know what it is and can research how to work it, how to annel it how to harden it etc. (ie 1095) That way you know what is supost to happen and if it doesn't happen you know you made a mistake. If you start with an "unknown" you wont know if it was something you did or if it was a fault in the metal. I make things out of "junkyard" steel but not knives because I am still learng.
    So get a piece of good steel and start from there if you want to make a good knife.
    Just my opinion William

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