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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by markb

  1. I'm a beginner with too much info racing around in my head.

    I would benefit from a step by step and or a continuing series like Rich has suggested
    The chat provides a way to get immediate first hand knowledge from experts, This is a huge benefit to any knife maker.

    I think a subject for each chat would help the flow of information, if I knew a head of time, all the better.

    Just my .02

  2. Great stand.
    Base is filled with concrete? Looks very stable.
    I like your punch holder also, simple and portable.
    The green item in the background looks to use the wheels too?
    Always enjoy viewing your work, anything in the works?


  3. Ok I just want to understand this.
    Base temp is at 1400 (manual) and I want to increase to 1900(auto).

    I set the PID to 1900

    The thermocouple sends signal to PID to open auto gas solenoid to increase gas volume thus temp.

    And at the same time closes switch to auto fan rheostat to increase fan speed?

    Is this correct?

    I have an old electric burn out kiln that I want to use for heat treat and have just recently become aware of PID controls, so just trying to understand.
    Thanks Mark

  4. Miller,Hobart, Lincoln not in any order.
    Good product support, been around a long time, good resale value.

    Read to get the basics-weld-observe-read-weld observe
    There are many variables-speed,angles, distance,and welder settings, wire type, gas type etc..

    Make one change at a time and observe and weld, weld weld weld weld weld and weld some more.
    It's fun.

    You'll know when you need a better (bigger) welder then sell or keep the 110v.

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