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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by markb

  1. Well maybe not as successful as I'd hoped but, the forging went well, not alot of scale, the tang drew out Ok, shape was usable, so those are big steps for me.
    I didn't file to a thin enough edge( nichel instead of a dime) so after tempering I had to go to the drinder and ended up with axe like blade profile, instead of a flat grind.

    The temper is good except from the point back about half inch is soft..
    I learned a lot.







  2. I bought some 1084 1/4" 11/2"x12" cut it into quarters and forged a blade draw filed to shape and quenched in motor oil (115 degrees)then heated in the forges dragon breath at a light straw. The first time went to blue so had to anneal and start over.
    I went to quench after draw filing, probably should have finished to 120?
    I have never tried to heat treat before because my forgings were so poor, so got excited.
    Any and all comments welcome..I can take it LOL

    The last pic shows a little warp at the tang that i got in the temper.




  3. Thanks for bringing this up Dan

    In the late seventies I became interested in forging, knife making. Bought the books, found the tools, joined Abana, went to knife shows , met Jim Hrisoulas and got an autographed copy of "The Complete Bladesmith" (I don't suppose that 1987 price list is still good is it Jim? LOL) but just didn't connect with anyone. Things got pushed aside, but my interest was always there, then about a year ago I stumbled onto this site and as a result mikehr contacted me and invited me to his shop where I've had some personal instruction and real world experience.
    Although I haven't personally met most of the people that frequent the board I feel I know many of you.

    In short the family- community here got me back into the shop and I'm actually doing and learning my long time interest.

    THANKS Glenn, Andrew for making this site possible.

  4. Dale
    Part of the reason for the shop is to restore one or two of those old '49-'52 Chevys.
    One of those 4 is complete and will be running with minimal effort, the others are parts trucks.
    I have one more that is disassemled and will come back as a Hot Rod.
    I guess the bottom line is I have time or money but never at the same time. As I get older I think I might have more time and hopefully the parts, place to do the cars and the forging. I've managed to get most of the tools I need through the years, but you can never have too many tools or too much knowledge.

    The roof should be done next week if the guys don't get pulled off to another job. Then the siding will be left to me and it'll get real slow.

    Thanks for looking

  5. Element, no worries the posts are treated, set 3' in the ground and in concrete. The building in the back ground is whats left of a huge old hay barn, made with hand hewn beams. Sadly it was left without an adequate roof and had to come down due to rot.
    I saved this little portion and am building the new shop 8' this side of it and will join them in the future.

    tech413, the roof should go up quickly but the walls and floor etc. will be slow.

    No work today but trusses tomorrow. Pics to follow.


  6. Talked to my builder today and agreed we couldn"t get 12 holes in a 30"X36" so we expanded to 30'X36' LOL

    The builder I'm working for has a couple of guys to keep busy, so they set 8 of 12 posts today. Trusses come friday or monday then they will put a metal roof on.
    I'll side it as I have time and funds. That will be a slow process.

    Mike you are welcome anytime just give me a call when you're coming over, I'm real close to 140 and 62.

    It was too dark to get pics by the time I got home but will add some soon.

    Thanks for all of your interest, I'm excited and it's a lot more fun when i can share.


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