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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by hammerkid

  1. Yeah , mine you can see where they forge weld the horn to the body, They mouse hole co. made their anvils in 12 or 14 pices anvils until PW come along with their 2(actually 3) piece anvils ,then mousehole started using their method. I have the Mousehole forge book from richard postman which tells ALOT about ho wthey where made and the hitsory , owners ETC. Chris
  2. Rock coal?????? Do you mean LUMP coal??? Using differnt fuels depend on alot: such as avaiablty, cleanyness, what your doing ( forge welding etc) So post some info please.
  3. Thanks Brandon. I hope to get to try it out today maybe. Chris
  4. Yeah, nad I got the flex pipe for it just need clamps. Those a decals. I plan on building a steel rolling box like it soon out of 1/8 plate . Chris
  5. Here are some pics. Should have actioon pics tommrow evening . Chris
  6. From the album: My blacksmith stuff

    Here is the start ing to a set of chisels& punchs I making outta of coil spring for my self. Left to right as follows; Coil spring to show what i started with, Chisel, Eye punch ( for heads ,used to make eyes), Punch used to make holes in noses.
  7. Hey Y`all, I finshed all the of it today besides cutting & attaching the flex pipe to the blower to the firepot. I plan on doing this tommorow. I wanna try it out tommorow also. Pics are on the way. Avadon, I will have it in my new shop. Also my neigbors wouldnt mind. Chris
  8. Elli Whitney was a blacksmith. (the guy who intvente dthe cotton gin)
  9. Looks great jeff!!!! Glad you finally got it. Mine was also made from 1830-1835. ;)
  10. Hey art could you get on chat now? i have a few questions

  11. In 5-10 Yrs I should be on the hunt for a welding job , thats my plan . I plan on getting my welding certs AS SOON as i get out of high school. Here our high school . voc. school welding classes count for hrs. at the Community Voc. school to get your certs. Next semster I`am taking a welding blueprint class at our voc. school. Then next year I`am taking the welding & machine shop classes. Becasue i want some machining expreince.
  12. Not sure where I`am going buy em from . The hand hammer i reforged moves metal much better.
  13. The edges were Real Sharp , and the peen came out real narrow .Thanks
  14. Hey Y`all, Saturday i went over to Wayne`s shop. Well the main purpose was to reforge swedish style hammers bought from BS Depot & BS supply. Wqayne demoed it first , then my cousin & a guy reforged his hammer, then I reforged mine. After My cousin & kent left I stayed for a while longer, and Wayne taught me to use the Big Blu air hammer of his. I forge a rr spike to 25"inches long. I plan on turning it in to a steak turner and making a long horn head out of the head of the spike. Which bringas me to wanna to build a Power hammer of some sort. I consider the aire hammer that Abana sells the plans for but Id have to buy a air compessor. So I have decied to build a tire hammer. I planon ordering the plans and building one. I`am going go ahead and start getting steel & stuff for it though. Chris PS I posted some pics of the hammer and of the spike.
  15. From the album: My blacksmith stuff

    I stamped my name on it
  16. From the album: My blacksmith stuff

    I forged this spike to 25 inches using wayne`s #155 Big Blu Air hammer, it was my first time using a power hammer. I plan on making a steak tuner out of it, also am going to forge a longhorn head outta the head of the spike.
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