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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by joshua.M

  1. This is a knife that i am almost finished making for rthibeau we are trading backsmithing hammers for this knife and i cant figure out how to post pics other than in a thread. So here you go Rich josh
  2. i want to use it for everything from key fobs to small hammers and hardie tools
  3. I am thinking of changing my main forge from coal to propane because coal is getting harder and harder to get and hetting more and more expensive. So i need advice on propane forges, i found one i think i like http://www.diamondbackironworks.com/2_burner_blacksmith.html so i need to know thebasics on how to use one, from lighting to whent to put in the steel and how i should mount it. thanks Josh
  4. i got a phone call from somone who had an anvil that they knew nothing about, it was this lady's fathers who was a collector she said it was mine if i could come and get it, it was a 15 minute drive and i am now the proud owner of a 105lb Peter Wright anvil made after 1910 i took the wire wheel to clean off the rust the edges are almost perfect, the face is 99.99% flat and there is only 1 chisle mark on the face, i owe her a set of garden tools josh
  5. joshua.M

    First Cable Knife

    very nice i will be sure to snap pics of mine when done
  6. it is thak, i have heard lots of good things about it, it is a 5 hr round trip for me and my dad said he will go pick it up in our ford f550 so shipping wont matter now its just the money lol -Josh
  7. Well i found a place for coal, its $881 per ton or $26/70lbs and a 5 hour round trip for me, OR my grandfather foundd a 2 burner propand forge with a front and back door, for $550 I dont know what to pick because, propane is easyer to get but i have no experience with it, and i already have a coal forge and canedy otto blower so if i could get some advice on this that would be amazing -Josh
  8. I have considered charcoal but the problem is i cannot make it because of a burn ban, and it is $15/4kg and 1 bag lasts me an hour $$$$$$$$$$, i am 14 so no beer lol kevin i have considered that, then i looked at the prices OUCH. mark, its not the farm i need to worry about,its the school :/ glenn i will be sure to post the pics as soon as i can get them. -Josh
  9. So, i run a coal forge and have been having a hard time getting coal, I am wondering, when you are low/out of fuel (if you ever are) what kind if work do you do to keep busy. I already have cleaned my small shop, organized my tools, painted my tongs to identify them, organized my stock, cleaned the floor and done any and all repairs. What else can i do to stay busy in my shop without fuel? Josh
  10. it is a peter wright made after 1910, the ledges on the feet means peteer wright, and the holes in the ledges means after 1910. josh
  11. the coal from home hardwear is $59/70lb bag and most home hardwears dont want to order it because its not worth their while
  12. i never said that? i have a coal forge but no coal
  13. i am thinking of changing to a gasser because coal here in canada is scarce and expensive i just need to find burner plans josh
  14. there is some very nice knives in that collection I once tried to make one and realized how hard it really is, lots of skill go into making these -josh
  15. i use coke and it was sooooooooooo good
  16. So th story starts that i was hungry out in the shop and didn't want to have to put out the forge then go cook and eat and come back to the shop and light up the coal again, so i went to the cupboard and i had peanut butter honey and rye bread so i made a peanut buter and honey sammich and heated by putting it on a cleaned scroll and heated it over the fire so i want to hear your storys of cooking in or on the forge gas or coal dosnt matter
  17. joshua.M


    :lol: lol with my luck i still couldnt
  18. joshua.M


    lol very true
  19. joshua.M


    its Old n Rustys shop
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